More Health:

The Conversation

Alternative Medicine

Millions of Americans believe aromatherapy works – but for many doctors, it doesn’t pass the smell test

Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Adult Health

Hip-hop and health – why so many rap artists die young


Strep throat can easily be confused with throat infections caused by viruses – here's how to tell the difference

Sore Throat Cause

Healthy Eating

Fiber is the body's natural guide to weight management

Healthy Eating

Can we train our taste buds for health? A neuroscientist explains how genes and diet shape taste

Taste Buds Health Foods


The ugly side of beauty: Chemicals in cosmetics threaten college-age women’s reproductive health

Cosmetics Chemicals Fertility

Senior Health

Balance declines with age, but exercise can help stave off some of the risk of falling

Aging Balance Falls


ChatGPT and other generative AI could foster science denial and misunderstanding

Generative AI Misinformation

Mental Health

How mindfulness, meditation and self-compassion can improve mental health

Meditation Mental Health

Women's Health

Emergency contraception is often confused with abortion pills – here's how Plan B works to prevent pregnancy


What causes motion sickness? Here's how to reconcile the mismatch in what your senses are telling your brain

Motion sickness

Mental Health

Eating disorders among teens have more than doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic

Eating disorders teens


Can eating poppy seeds affect drug test results? An addiction and pain medicine specialist explains

Poppy seeds drug tests

Health News

From grave robbing to giving your own body to science – a short history of where medical schools get cadavers

Mental Health

A little bit of narcissism is normal and healthy; here's how to tell when it becomes pathological

Pathological Narcissism

Alternative Medicine

CBD is not a cure-all – here's what science says about its real health benefits

Adult Health

Many Americans wrongly assume they understand what normal blood pressure is; that false confidence can be deadly

Normal Blood Pressure

Health News

Vinyl chloride, a chemical released in the Ohio train derailment, can damage the liver


How will a high ankle sprain affect Patrick Mahomes in the Super Bowl? A surgeon explains

Patrick Mahomes Ankle


Lung cancer rates have decreased for men, but risen steeply for non-smokers and young women

Lung Cancer Rates

Mental Health

Working from home and missing your old commute? There are psychological reasons for that

Commute Remote Work

Adult Health

Marriage provides health benefits – and here's why

Marriage Health Benefits


Cold weather brings itchy, irritated, dry and scaly skin. Here's how to treat it

Dry Skin Winter


Most fitness trackers monitor heart rate variability – here's what this metric says about your health


The holiday blues leave many Americans feeling down during a season that emphasizes being merry

Holiday Blues Depression


The record cold and flu season highlights the urgency for RSV vaccines and other preventive strategies

RSV Treatment Vaccine

Adult Health

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a problem that can have serious consequences – but doctors often overlook it

Vitamin B12 deficiency


Doctors often miss depression symptoms for certain groups, but a routine screening policy could reduce the gap

Depression Screening


Hey, new parents – go ahead and 'spoil' that baby!

Soothe Crying Baby

Health News

Who sees what you flush? Wastewater surveillance for public health is on the rise, but many adults are still unaware

Wastewater surveillance covid


A blood test that screens for multiple cancers at once promises to boost early detection

MCEDs Blood Tests Cancer


An RSV outbreak is surging in the United States; here's what parents should know

RSV Outbreak


Newly discovered species of bacteria in the microbiome may be a culprit behind rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Bacteria


Most Americans do trust scientists and science-based policy-making, Pew research shows

Adult Health

Why are so many people delighted by disgusting things?

Halloween decorations

Men's Health

Male birth control options are in development, but a number of barriers still stand in the way

Male birth control


State prison in Delco gets Scandinavian-style makeover, shows how U.S. penal system could be more humane

SCI Chester


Gonorrhea became more drug resistant while attention was on COVID-19

Gonorrhea STD Illustration

Women's Health

Breast cancer awareness campaigns often overlook those with metastatic cancer – here’s how they can do better

Breast cancer ribbon


Long COVID: How researchers are zeroing in on the self-targeted immune attacks that may lurk behind it


Children's Health

School start times, screen time late in the evening exacerbate sleep deprivation in teens

Teen sleep deprivation

Health News

Why are some people mosquito magnets and others are unbothered?

Mosquito magnet

Health Videos