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A parent’s guide to poison prevention at home

Purchased - Medicine Cabinet Bottles


Strong parental support lowers the depression risk of young adults, study finds

Parents Young Adults


Screen time for babies, toddlers may harm their abilities to process the world around them, Drexel researchers say

Baby Screen Time


Drinking during holidays and special occasions could affect how you parent your kids

Parenting Holidays Drinking

Children's Health

More parents are giving kids melatonin as a sleep aid, but experts urge caution

Melatonin Kids Safety


Cozy images of plush toys and blankets undercut messaging on safe infant sleep

Babies Safe Sleep


Babies almost all try crawling as they begin to move, but CDC says it's not a useful developmental milestone

Baby Milestones Crawling


Bluey teaches children and parents alike about how play supports creativity – and other life lessons

Bluey TV Parenting


Five ways to keep your child’s mind active during the summer

Purchased - Dad and son playing with construction toy


Most drownings among young children occur in backyard pools; here's how to keep them safe as they swim

Children's Health

Social media is a driver of youth mental health crisis, U.S. surgeon general warns

Surgeon General Social Media Youth


TikTok's 'almond mom' trend calls attention to the dangers of diet culture

Almond Mom TikTok


Deptford Little League will require spectators who berate umpires to officiate games

Little League baseball


How to soothe a colicky baby – and when to suspect an underlying health issue

Babies with colic


How to fill your kids' Easter baskets with healthier treats this year

Easter eggs

Children's Health

Losing just 30 minutes of sleep each night can impact a child's well-being, research shows

Sleep health children


What parents and caregivers should know about eating disorders

Purchased - A family sitting at the dinner table eating and talking


How parents can help their children maintain a healthy weight

Children healthy eating habits


Parents need to ask about guns before letting children visit family and friends, Trinity Health urges

Trinity Gun Safety


Tips for effective co-parenting

Purchased - Mom waving goodbye to her son's dad


Navigating an infertility diagnosis: Understanding your options

Purchased - A disappointed couple looking at the results of a pregnancy test

Health News

Fisher-Price baby sleeper, recalled in 2019, linked to 100 infant deaths

Fisher-Price recall infant sleeper


Soothing a screaming child with a smartphone seems like an easy fix, but there are long-term consequences

Toddler Meltdown Smartphone

Health News

Green Sprouts recalls toddler sippy cups, bottles due to lead exposure risk

Green Sprouts recall


Parents' words carry weight when discussing obesity with their children

Parenting Obesity Talk


Hey, new parents – go ahead and 'spoil' that baby!

Soothe Crying Baby


How to cope with empty nest syndrome

Purchased - young person moving into a dorm at college


Protect children from COVID-19 as they go back to school: An open letter to parents

Purchased - Little girl studying


What's the best way to soothe a crying baby? Scientists may have found the answer

Crying Baby


Ready to bring your baby to an Eagles game? Here's what you can take into Lincoln Financial Field

Eagles Linc Baby


How to help your child with growing pains

Purchased - Parents comforting a child with growing pains


How Independence Blue Cross provides members with pregnancy and postpartum support

Purchased - Mother and baby sleeping


Physical and mental milestones to watch for in your toddler

Purchased - Toddler playing with a puzzle toy


Mothers who breastfeed children after their 1st birthday should be supported, AAP says

Breastfeeding stigmas


New sleep guidelines for babies say bed-sharing, inclined sleepers are unsafe

Baby sleeping guidelines

Children's Health

For many low-income families, getting formula has always been a strain


We can all play a role in preventing child abuse — here’s how

Purchased - Boy looking through window glass of school


Essential annual checkups for children

Purchased - Doctor examining girl during pandemic

Men's Health

Strong father-son bonds can create rituals that get passed down for generations

NFL Draft Las Vegas fans


Parents play an important role in teaching children how to manage anxiety

Child experiencing anxiety


A vegetarian diet can be safe for children, but it must be properly planned

Children vegetarian diet


Can melatonin gummies solve family bedtime struggles? Experts advise caution

Melatonin Sleep Children

Health Videos