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Alcohol use disorder can be treated with an array of medications – but few people have heard of them

Alcohol Addiction Medications


Lung cancer is the deadliest of all cancers, and screening could save many lives − if more people could access it

Lung Cancer Screening


Binge drinking is a growing public health crisis − here's how research on alcohol use disorder has shifted

Binge Drinking Crisis

Children's Health

Young people in Philly's toughest neighborhoods explain how violence disrupts their physical and mental health

Violence Health Effects

Children's Health

Cannabis legalization has led to a boom in potent forms of the drug that present new hazards for adolescents

Adult Health

Nearsightedness is at epidemic levels – and the problem begins in childhood

Nearsightedness Epidemic

Adult Health

Removing PFAS from public water systems will cost billions and take time

PFAS Tap Water


A natural deception: 3 marketing myths the supplement industry wants you to swallow

Supplement Marketing Myths


Sharing a bedroom with your dog may prevent a good night's sleep, study finds

Dog Sleep Bed

Adult Health

Are you one of the millions about to have cataract surgery? Here’s what you need to know

Healthy Eating

Salty foods are making people sick − in part by poisoning their microbiomes

Salt Gut Health

Mental Health

How much stress is too much? A psychiatrist explains how toxic levels lead to poor health − and how to get help

Toxic Stress Health


Asthma meds have become shockingly unaffordable − but relief may be on the way

Asthma Inhaler Prices


COVID-19 rapid tests still work against new variants – researchers keep assessing them and they pass


Your heart changes in size and shape with exercise – this can lead to health problems for some athletes and gym rats

Athletic Heart Running

Adult Health

Nearly 2 million Americans are using kratom yearly, but it is banned in multiple states


Don't let 'FDA-approved' or 'patented' in ads give you a false sense of security

Advertising Supplements FDA


Sleep can give athletes an edge over competitors − but few recognize how fundamental it is to performance

Men's Health

For some men with prostate cancer, active surveillance may be a better option than treatment

Mental Health

What is resilience? A psychologist explains the main ingredients that help people manage stress

Resilience Stress

Health News

Why some people don't trust science – and how to change their minds


Cardio or weights first? A kinesiologist explains how to optimize the order of your exercise routine

Best Workout Order

Mental Health

Teaching positive psychology skills at school may be one way to help student mental health and happiness

Positive Psychology Schools

Healthy Eating

Do you eat with your eyes, gut or brain? A neuroscientist explains how to listen to your hunger during the holidays

Holiday Food

Mental Health

For many who are suffering with prolonged grief, the holidays can be a time to reflect and find meaning in loss

Holidays Grief Loss


Drinking during holidays and special occasions could affect how you parent your kids

Parenting Holidays Drinking


What does weight-inclusive health care mean?

Weight Inclusive Health Care

Adult Health

A researcher's prescription for better health care: A dose of humility for doctors, nurses and clinicians

Doctor Patient Humility

Adult Health

Knowing if you're a night owl or an early bird could help you do better on tests and avoid scams

Early Riser Night Owl


Insulin injections could one day be replaced as a diabetes treatment with rock music, study suggests

Diabetes Rock Music 2

Children's Health

New research points to male drinking as a significant factor in fetal alcohol syndrome

Male Drinking Pregnancy

Healthy Eating

Thanksgiving sides are delicious and can be nutritious − here's the biochemistry of how to maximize the benefits

Purchased - Thanksgiving sides

Women's Health

Endometriosis afflicts millions of women, but few people feel comfortable talking about it


New treatment for postpartum depression offers hope, but the stigma attached to the condition still lingers

Postpartum Depression Treatment


Does chicken soup really help when you're sick?

Chicken Soup Benefits


Tracking daily step counts can be a useful tool for weight management

Daily Steps Weight Loss

Healthy Eating

Spicy food might burn in the moment, but it likely won't harm your health in the long term

Spicy Food Pepper

Health News

Tenacious curiosity in the lab can lead to a Nobel Prize – as 2 Penn scientists just demonstrated

Penn Nobel Prize

Adult Health

Loud sounds at movies and concerts can cause hearing loss, but there are ways to protect your ears

Concerts Hearing Loss

Adult Health

Your unique body odor could identify who you are and provide insights into your health

Body Odor Scent

Children's Health

Secondhand smoke may substantially contribute to lead levels found in children, study finds

Secondhand Smoke Lead

Mental Health

As the youth mental health crisis worsens, the dire shortage of providers prevents young people from getting help

Mental Health Teens

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