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Children's Health

Lunchables will no longer be offered as part of the National School Lunch Program

Lunchables Schools

Adult Health

Standing for long periods can be bad for your health – just like sitting, study finds

standing sitting health


First COVID-19 strain is linked to greater risk of cardiovascular issues for years after infection

covid-19 cardiovascular risk

Adult Health

Heart disease is the top cause of death in the U.S., and more than 60% of Americans will have it by 2050

heart disease 2050

Adult Health

Daily marijuana use greatly increases risk of heart attack and stroke, study finds

Healthy Eating

Eating foods with antioxidants may reduce the risk of stroke, study finds

Foods with antioxidants

Women's Health

Women who undergo infertility treatments may have a higher risk of stroke – but it remains rare, study finds

Health Stories

With his depression in remission, Sen. John Fetterman vows to 'champion' mental health care

John Fetterman Time


6ABC hires West Chester-native Caroline Goggin, who survived a stroke at 27 years old

Caroline Goggin 6ABC

Adult Health

Vigorous exercise may increase stroke risk in people with blocked arteries

Healthy Eating

Artificial sweeteners shouldn't be used for weight loss, WHO says

Healthy Eating

Low-calorie sweetener tied to higher risk of heart attack and stroke, study finds

Erythritol Heart Attack

Health Stories

Pennsylvania woman regained use of her impaired hand years after a stroke by using experimental treatment

Heather Rendulic

Adult Health

Millennials' risk of fatal stroke could be higher than past generations

Stroke Risk Millennials

Adult Health

Choral singing may help stroke survivors regain their speech, researchers say

Singing therapy

Adult Health

Extreme weather is hard on the heart, but the winter is far more dangerous than the summer

Heart Cold Weather

Adult Health

Elevated levels of 'good' cholesterol may not protect heart health, study finds

Risk factors for heart disease

Adult Health

A new investigative drug may treat uncontrolled hypertension

Uncontrolled hypertension

Adult Health

'Heart healthy' dietary supplements won't help lower cholesterol, more research shows

Dietary supplements heart health


The difference between regular strokes and ministrokes

Purchased - Stroke in brain

Health Stories

John Fetterman continues to recover from stroke as campaign coverage centers on health concerns


Can the Apple Watch help prevent strokes? A new study aims to find out

Apple Watch stroke prevention

Healthy Eating

Drinking black tea lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke, study finds

Black Tea Benefits

Healthy Eating

Cutting your daily salt intake by 1 gram can reduce your heart disease risk, research shows

Salt heart disease


A sense of purpose can be hard to find, but it's linked to many health benefits

Sense of purpose

Adult Health

Naps can prove beneficial, but too many may be bad for your heart

Napping Pros Cons

Health Stories

John Fetterman's stroke shows the importance of a quick response


Childhood health can predict risk of heart attack, stroke later in life

Making healthy lifestyle changes


Heart disease is the top killer of U.S. women, but many don't know it

Heart Disease Women

Women's Health

Young adult women are more likely to experience a stroke than men their age, study finds

Stroke risk for young women

Senior Health

Life-saving stroke treatment may not be as time-sensitive as previously thought

Stroke treatment thrombectomy

Adult Health

Drinking multiple cups of coffee is good for your brain, study suggests

Coffee tea strokes dementia

Adult Health

E-cigarette smokers have higher risk of stroke at younger ages, study finds

Electronic cigarettes and stroke risk

Adult Health

History of sexual abuse linked to long-term brain damage

Sexual Assault Brain Health

Adult Health

A daily aspirin to protect the heart? That soon may be outdated advice

Adult Health

People who are glued to their screens may have an increased risk of stroke, study finds

Stroke risk screentime

Mental Health

People with OCD have more than triple the risk of stroke as they age, a new study finds

OCD and stroke risk


More people need to know the signs of a stroke — especially those at high risk, Philly docs say

Stroke signs

Women's Health

Preeclampsia may triple a woman's lifetime stroke risk, study finds

Preeclampsia and stroke risk

Adult Health

Even a mild concussion can increase stroke risk for several years, study finds

Traumatic brain injury


Irregular blood pressure could be a sign of serious heart issues, study shows



Jefferson, Temple universities partner to reduce strokes in North Philly

Philly Stroke Prevention

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