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It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything is fine. But is it really?

Portrait of irritated girl with brunette hair covering ears

Mental Health

The neuroscience behind why your brain may need time to adjust to ‘un-social distancing’

Adult Health

Reducing stress may reverse graying hair — at least temporarily

Prevent gray hair

Health News

Thomas Jefferson University projects to be conducted as part of first private mission to International Space Station

Jefferson Space Mission


Treating eczema requires a more holistic approach, experts say

treating eczema


Is stress contagious?

Purchased - Young Couple Arguing at Home


How to win the waiting game

Purchased - Masked people waiting in line

Mental Health

Exhausted by too many Zoom meetings? Here's how to relieve the fatigue

Zoom fatigue

Mental Health

Escapist TV can relieve stress, but it can easily become problematic

Escapist TV and Mental Health

Men's Health

Don't let your relationship become a casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 Healthy Relationships Advice

Mental Health

New device may offer a more effective way to measure stress hormones

New earwax sampling device by Trears

Mental Health

Inflammatory bowel disease genetically tied to stress, depression, CHOP finds

Link between IBD and depression

Adult Health

Lesbian, gay and bisexual people may be more prone to migraines

LGB migraine risk


How stress management can improve your health

Woman meditating on bed

Mental Health

For colleges, online mental health services are a 'silver lining' of COVID-19 crisis

COVID-19 Mental Health Services


Millennial caretakers at greater risk of stress-related conditions, study finds

BCBS caregiving report


To help kids cope with COVID-19 anxiety, provide context and emphasize control

Child Anxiety Tips COVID-19

Children's Health

Labrador to help CHOP patients achieve therapy goals, reduce anxiety

CHOP welcomes first facility dog

Adult Health

Yoga may help lessen symptoms of atrial fibrillation, like lowering high blood pressure, study says

Yoga atrial fibrillation

Men's Health

Relationship resiliency: A key to staying happy, and healthy, amid stress

081320 Relationships COVID-19.jpg

Adult Health

Stress relief a 'forgotten component' of managing type 2 diabetes

Stress and blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes


Discussing mutual strengths can improve parent-teen communication

Parent-teen communication

Children's Health

Bullying a common precursor before LGBTQ youth suicides, Yale study finds

LGBTQ youth bullying

Health Stories

The COVID-19 crisis is giving people vivid dreams – but what do they mean?

COVID Dreaming

Mental Health

How to listen with empathy when you are feeling the strain of social distancing

COVID-19 conflict resolution

Adult Health

Stressful times are particularly dangerous for heart attack survivors, study finds

Times of stress can trigger a second heart attack, new study finds

Mental Health

PTSD symptoms common in first year after a traumatic injury

PTSD symptoms common in first year after trauma

Mental Health

Transcendental meditation soothes anxiety by changing connections in the brain

Meditation anxiety stress

Mental Health

Snapchat launches new mental health tool to help users affected by cyberbullying, depression

Snapchat Mental Health depression

Healthy Eating

Millennials feel social pressure and anxiety to eat well

Del Monte study on healthy eating


Have a heart-healthy holiday season

Heart-healthy holidays

Mental Health

Here's how to alleviate the stress of the holiday season in a healthy way

Holiday Stress Tips


Most Americans find their jobs stressful – here's how to survive at work

Surviving a stressful job


Tips for identifying stress triggers and coping techniques

stressed out person sitting at desk

Mental Health

Four-day work week increased productivity by 40%, Microsoft says

Four-day work week productivity burnout

Mental Health

Stress-related disorders, like PTSD, may increase risk for serious infection

ptsd infections stress


Five tips to keep you from burning out

Stressed person at work

Mental Health

CHOP study finds potential blood-based biomarker for PTSD



New acupressure mat said to banish stress in a mere 15 minutes

gorelax acupressure mat

Mental Health

Digital games may help ease stress better than mindfulness apps, new study says

Mental Health

Interactive mental health exercises coming to stressed, unhappy Pinterest users

pinterest interactive mental health exercises

Mental Health

‘Climate grief’: Fears about the planet’s future weigh on Americans’ mental health

Sad Planet Flickr 07192019

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