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How to avoid getting sick this summer at the barbecue, in the pool or on the trail

Adult Health

How often should you replace your kitchen sponge? Probably more often than you do

Kitchen Sponge Bacteria

Adult Health

How often should jeans be washed to keep them germ-free? Less often than you might think

Blue Jeans Bacteria


Why you should clean your cell phone regularly – and how to do it

Phone Cleaning Germs


Tips for navigating daycare germs

Purchased - Toddlers playing in daycare

Children's Health

Spraygrounds can harbor germs, but precautions can help prevent infections, CDC says

Spread of illness at spraygrounds


Long nails can be a germ hotspot; here's how to keep them clean

Long fingernails Germs

Mental Health

Will the coronavirus pandemic make you a germaphobe? Probably not, but it may bring new habits

coronavirus germaphobe


How to stop touching your face to minimize spread of coronavirus and other germs

032220 coronavirus touch face.jpg


The most germ-infested places you encounter – and how to stay healthy

common places for germs

Healthy Eating

Explainer: Is it really OK to eat food that's fallen on the floor

Does the five second rule work?


Dodge these germ-filled spots in cars and rideshares

car rideshare germs

Health News

Your Lyft or Uber ride may harbor more bacteria than you think

uber backseat pexels

Health News

Candida auris: Here's what you should know about the superbug fungus spreading worldwide


Alternative Medicine

Experts think we should drop the 'antibacterial' outlook on life

antibacterial hand washing pexels


You should probably be cleaning your smartphone A LOT more than you are

common places for germs


Why hand dryers are public enemy No. 1 for holiday shoppers

Washing Hands in Sink

Alternative Medicine

Tea tree oil is the all-natural antibacterial you need in your life this winter


Health Studies

ATMs dispense more than money: The dirt and dope that's on your cash



Watch out for these hidden germs at work

Office Work Area


You’ll never blow out birthday candles again after reading this

Birthday Cake Photo


This is the best way to avoid getting sick

Washing Hands in Sink

Children's Health

Help your child to survive cold and flu season

ER Medical Equipment for IBX CP


You (and most of the millions of holiday travelers you encounter) are washing your hands wrong

Health News

Millions of dust mites may be lurking in your bed, according to report

Dust Mites

Health News

Study: The dirtiest place on an airplane isn't the bathroom. So what is?

Health News

Experiment finds bacteria, mold on and in Keurig machines


Health News

Grow at your own risk: Microbiologist says some beards comparable to toilets

Health News

Bad news for germaphobes

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