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Food Accessibility


These Philly food drives seek donations to provide Thanksgiving meals

Thanksgiving food drives


Closing of two nonprofits drastically limits where Philly residents can find help to get food assistance

SNAP food security

Social Justice

Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger announces it will close June 28

Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger


With grocery prices soaring, this Kensington nonprofit is working to combat food insecurity in Philly

Greater Goods Grocery

Women's Health

To improve maternal health in Philly, a Penn Medicine program has homed in on food insecurity

Maternal Health Food Insecurity

Arts & Culture

Philabundance to be honored with community-made mural at hunger relief center in South Philly

Mural Philabundance


A new community market aims to reduce food insecurity in South Jersey

free community market


As extra COVID-19 SNAP benefits end next month, Philadelphia food banks brace for impact

Food insecurty highlighted with lost of SNAP benefit funding


Kensington grocery co-op reopens after members raise $200,000 to save it

Kensington Community Food Co-op Reopens

Social Justice

The People's Kitchen seeks volunteers to help cook free, daily meals

peoples kitchen.png


In New Jersey's food deserts, refrigerated lockers could improve access to groceries

Food Deserts New Jersey


Mount Airy community fridge to provide food to residents in need


Donating to a food bank? Give one of these overlooked pantry items


The Green Resource Center, a PHS effort to reduce food insecurity in Montgomery County, to open to the public

PHS Green Resource Center

Social Justice

Food insecurity in the Philly region increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, report finds

Philabundance Hunger Study


Philly kids and teens can get free meals at these food sites this summer

Free Meal Sites

Children's Health

For many low-income families, getting formula has always been a strain


New Jersey bill would provide free school meals to students from working class families

Food Insecurity NJ Bill Package


Food insecurity is a complex problem, but local health systems are trying to help address it

Food insecurity and chronic diseases


Burlington County to host MLK Day of Service food drive through end of January

Food Drive Burlington County


Community fridges arise from pandemic to address hunger in Philly

Community Fridges


Camden tops list of New Jersey food desert communities, state looks for resident feedback

NJ Food Insecurity


CHOP to expand Healthy Weight Food Pharmacy program in West Philly

chop healthy weight food pharmacy program

Food Accessibility

New Jersey food banks to receive $20 million through CARES Act

New Jersey food banks


Pennsylvania SNAP recipients can soon order groceries online from Amazon

SNAP online groceries pennsylvania

Mental Health

Coronavirus anxiety approaching clinical levels in 40% of respondents to Jefferson survey

Anxiety Jefferson Coronavirus

National Guard

Pennsylvania National Guard delivering meals, assisting Delco nursing home

PA National Guard COVID-19


Philly-area food banks looking for volunteers, donations as coronavirus crisis plays out

Philly food banks volunteers donations

Grocery Stores

Philly grocery stores set buying limits as coronavirus restrictions prompt panic

Philly grocery stores restock

Grocery Stores

Fresh Grocer in University City is closed, Acme replacement coming fall 2020

Fresh Grocer Close Acme

Health News

Project HOME, Independence Blue Cross team up to address North Philly health disparities

Independence Blue Cross Project HOME Keystone Connection to Wellness initiative

Senior Health

Starving seniors: How America fails to feed its aging

Senior Health

Many U.S. senior citizens struggle to afford food

senior citizen food insecurity


More than two in five college students were food insecure in 2018, Temple research finds

fork, knife and plates for dinner

Food Accessibility

Dwight Evans, local organizations team up to give food to government employees


Healthy Eating

With a waiting list at max capacity, Simply Good Jars is savoring success

Simply Good Jars


More Philly families struggling to afford food despite hunger lessening nationwide

Stock_Carroll - Philadelphia Skyline from New Jersey


Uber tracks Philadelphia's most popular restaurants for Valentine's Day


Study: Hunter-gatherer mentality possible reason why New Year’s resolutions to lose weight fail


Food Deserts

Grocery stores haven't kept promise to open in food deserts

Carroll - Bottom Dollar Foods


Philly store owner sentenced in $1M food stamp scheme


Fearless Leader: Charlie Crystle

