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Eating Disorders

Women's Health

Middle age is a time when women are vulnerable to eating disorders

Woman on Scale


Eating disorders: Recognizing the signs and how to get help

Purchased - Apple reflecting in the mirror 2

Mental Health

Nonbinary people have higher rates of eating disorders, underscoring need for inclusive treatment environments

Eating Disorders Renfrew Center

Mental Health

Psychedelic mushrooms may be helpful treating people with anorexia, clinical trials show


TikTok's 'almond mom' trend calls attention to the dangers of diet culture

Almond Mom TikTok

Mental Health

Eating disorders among teens have more than doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic

Eating disorders teens


What parents and caregivers should know about eating disorders

Purchased - A family sitting at the dinner table eating and talking

Mental Health

Overeating after intermittent fasting could lead to a binge eating disorder

Binge eating and intermittent fasting

Mental Health

Genetics may help explain risk for a rare eating disorder, researchers say

Genetic risk with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder

Healthy Eating

Intermittent fasting linked to eating disorder behaviors, research shows

Intermittent Fasting

Mental Health

Hospitalizations for eating disorders still higher than pre-COVID

Hospitalizations for eating disorders on rise

Children's Health

Children can develop eating disorders well before they become teenagers, research shows

eating disorders in children

Mental Health

LGBTQ youth with eating disorders have increased risk of suicide, study finds

LGBTQ Study Trevor Project

Mental Health

An influx of adolescent girls have sought emergency treatment for mental health conditions during COVID, CDC finds

Emergency Department

Mental Health

Compulsive exercise can be a sign of an eating disorder, experts say

Compulsive Exercise

Children's Health

The COVID-19 pandemic increased eating disorders among young people – but the signs aren't what parents might expect

Eating Disorders COVID-19

Children's Health

Boys are susceptible to eating disorders too – but they often go undetected

Boys eating disorders

Mental Health

A phone app may effectively treat bulimia and binge eating disorders

Eating Disorder Phone App

Mental Health

Eating disorders are often about managing pain – not weight

Healthy Eating

Obsessing over a healthy diet can lead to an unusual eating disorder

Orthorexia nervosa eating disorder healthy diet

Adult Health

How to identify and help someone with an eating disorder

Anorexia Girl artwork Jenny Schmid 05232019

Mental Health

Diabulimia is a serious eating disorder that most people have never heard of

diabulimia eating disorder unsplash


These women are living healthy and sharing their eating disorder experiences

Carroll - Erin Morrissey

Adult Health

Drexel launches outpatient clinic for eating disorders, weight management

The Drexel Dragon on Drexel University's campus in Philadelphia.

Women's Health

Nancy Kerrigan puts spotlight on eating disorders in athletes



Amid backlash, Google Maps nixes short-lived calories-and-cupcakes counter


Chester County skate star Bam Margera reveals former battle with bulimia


Eating Disorders

Penn State kicker opens up about eating disorder


Why are women the keepers of Hollywood’s diet “secrets”?

Skinny Woman on floor

Health News

Drexel study: Heavier kids may be more susceptible to eating disorders



France bans super-skinny models in anorexia clampdown

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