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Alternative Medicine

As ex-Flyers and other athletes turn to magic mushrooms, pain, hope and science collide


Addressing anxiety in teens and young adults

Purchased - Anxious teenager sitting against a wall

Mental Health

People with 'high-functioning anxiety' often mask their struggles. Here's how to spot someone that needs help

High-functioning anxiety


Exercise can boost mental health – and may be as effective at treating depression as drugs

Exercise mental health

Mental Health

Genetics may help explain risk for a rare eating disorder, researchers say

Genetic risk with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder

Mental Health

Years of exposure to air pollution can increase your risk of depression or anxiety, experts say

Air pollution and mental health

Mental Health

The NFL has been slow to embrace mental health support for players

Health Stories

Eagles star Lane Johnson is learning how to block his biggest opponent, anxiety, and helping others confront it, too

Lane Johnson Mental Health Eagles


Understanding social anxiety disorder

Purchased - a depiction of social anxiety

Mental Health

To reduce stress levels in the new year, try sleeping more, adopting a hobby and other strategies

Stress Management Strategies

Mental Health

Mindfulness may be just as effective at treating anxiety as drugs, new research suggests

Mindfulness anxiety treatment


Taking action to relieve election anxiety

Purchased - Man looking at phone feeling anxious

Women's Health

Expectant mothers with autism face extra challenges, studies show

Expectant mothers with autism


Stop nightmares and get a better night's sleep with these strategies

Nightmare prevention

Mental Health

Bird songs are more than pleasant chirping – the sound boosts mental well-being, scientists say

Birds mental health

Mental Health

Toxic workplaces can adversely impact employees' health, U.S. Surgeon General warns

Men's Health

Football stars like Lane Johnson provide men a playbook to confront their mental health challenges

Mental Health

The successes of the Eagles and Phillies have fans putting their superstitions on full display – and that's OK

Mental Health

Children age 8 and older should be screened for anxiety, new federal guidelines state

Anxiety Screenings Children

Mental Health

Taking antidepressants while pregnant won't increase baby's risk of autism or ADHD, study finds

Antidepressant pregnancy

Adult Health

Sexual struggles after cancer treatment are common, but help is available

Cancer Sex Life

Mental Health

Most adults should receive routine anxiety screenings, U.S. task force says

Anxiety Screening Adults

Women's Health

Mood swings, anxiety caused by PMS should be a 'key' public health concern, study concludes

Premenstrual symptoms

Mental Health

CHOP develops ADHD diagnostic tool that distinguishes the disorder from related conditions



College students are increasingly depressed and anxious – making a mental health checklist may help

mental health checklist

Mental Health

Struggling with FOMO? Muting your smartphone may make it worse

FOMO smartphone addiction


Pa. bill to study of psilocybin – the drug in magic mushrooms – as mental health treatment languishes in Harrisburg

Mental Health

Feeling anxious about returning to the office? There are ways to smooth the transition

Back to office anxiety

Mental Health

Therapy on the go: Mildly depressed or simply stressed, people are tapping apps for mental health care

Cell phone

Mental Health

Even a short break from social media can improve your mental health

Social media mental health


Parents play an important role in teaching children how to manage anxiety

Child experiencing anxiety

Mental Health

Mental illnesses may increase risk for COVID-19 breakthrough cases, study finds

mental health breakthrough covid


New Jersey high schools should start later to give teens much-needed sleep, lawmakers say

New Jersey School Start Times

Mental Health

Is social media harmful to teens' mental health? Not necessarily, study finds

Social Media Mental Health


Exercise particularly boosts heart health of people with anxiety or depression, study finds

Exercise Heart Health

Mental Health

The youth mental health crisis needs immediate action, CHOP doctor tells Congress

Children's Mental Health Crisis


Everything you need to know about weighted blankets

Purchased - weighted blankets

Mental Health

Long-term anxiety may put people at higher risk of heart disease

Anxiety Worry Health

Adult Health

Botox injections are used for more than cosmetic reasons, but they carry some risk

Botox injections safe

Mental Health

Persistent anxiety as a child may lead to psychosis as a young adult, new research shows

Childhood Anxiety Treatment


Social anxiety: What is it and how to overcome it

Purchased - Man suffering from anxiety

Mental Health

Quartet Health receives $60 million to improve mental health access

IBX Quarter Health

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