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Children's Health

Later bedtimes, irregular sleep habits linked to lower grades for high school students, study finds

Sleep teenagers grades

Children's Health

Online racism can lead to PTSD symptoms among Black adolescents, study finds

Cyberbullying Mental Health Black Teens

Children's Health

Weight loss surgery for kids and teens with obesity is becoming more common, study finds


Neshaminy Mall Carnival adopts chaperone policy for teens to eliminate 'unacceptable behavior'

Neshaminy Mall Carnival


Planet Fitness offers free gym memberships to high school students this summer

Mental Health

Is social media harmful to teens' mental health? Not necessarily, study finds

Social Media Mental Health

Health News

Children's mental health has been getting worse over the last five years, study finds

Children Mental Health


Philly's public high schools will start later next year in effort to help students in class

03 17 2022 High School Start Times.jpg

Mental Health

Ozone pollution doesn't just irritate the lungs – it's also linked to depression

Mental Health

An influx of adolescent girls have sought emergency treatment for mental health conditions during COVID, CDC finds

Emergency Department

Children's Health

For children with severe scoliosis, spinal fusions cause fewer complications than growth-friendly surgeries

Scoliosis in children

Children's Health

Schools play key role in diagnosing depression earlier among children

Depression screenings schools

Children's Health

Weight loss surgery should be an option for severely obese children, doctors say

Health News

Fauci speaks at Penn Medicine event, addresses youth mental health and COVID-19 vaccines

Anthony Fauci, Penn Medicine

Mental Health

Personalized screenings may help detect teens at risk of suicide, researchers say

Teen Suicide Risk


Discussing mutual strengths can improve parent-teen communication

Parent-teen communication

Children's Health

More than 80% of adolescents worldwide don't exercise enough, study finds

Youth exercise study running

Children's Health

More research shows benefits of bariatric surgery for obese teens with type 2 diabetes

Bariatric diabetes

Healthy Eating

Eating junk food may lead to depression in teens

Depression Junk Food

Children's Health

Federal health officials to pregnant women, teens: Don't use marijuana

Pregnancy adolescent marijuana use

Children's Health

What is a pediatric and adolescent gynecologist?

Young Girl Doctor Office Visit 04042019

Mental Health

Frequent digital media usage may be linked to ADHD symptoms in adolescents

Phone user

Mental Health

Major depression diagnoses skyrocketing in millennials, adolescents



Report: In Philadelphia, HPV vaccination rate lags behind other youth vaccines

Stock_Carroll - Hospital ER Biohazard


Kensington is worst nightmare for family of runaway daughter

Carroll - Private Investigator Searches for Missing Teen in Kensington


Study: High school friendships have long-lasting effects on your mental health

Mental Health

Drexel therapist sees flaws, strengths of teen suicide portrayal in Netflix's '13 Reasons Why'

Netflix 13 Reasons Why


How to keep your kids active in the digital age

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