December 01, 2017
Each winter, Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission asks the community to make holiday cards for the homeless who visit the rescue mission.
"In Philadelphia, more than 6,000 homeless men, women and children will be homeless during the holidays. For these individuals, Christmas can be full of loneliness and despair. The Mission wants to change this by ensuring that the hungry and hurting receive the kindness that a personalized holiday card can bring," states the organization.
This year, in addition to a thoughtful note of encouragement, Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission is asking participants to stick $1-$2 cash inside their handmade or store-bought card.
The donation will help feed a homeless individual on Christmas Day at the Mission, which states "it costs $1.95 to sponsor a meal."
All cards must be mailed or delivered on or before Friday, Dec. 15, in order to be processed on time.
Mail holiday cards to Holiday Cards for the Homeless, Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 297, Philadelphia, PA 19105.
You can also drop-off holiday cards at Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission (302 N. 13th St.) during business hours, which are Mondays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Through Friday, Dec. 15
Send your card to:
Holiday Cards for the Homeless
Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission
P.O. Box 297
Philadelphia, PA 19105