September 27, 2018
Back in January, Reading-based Steak-umm won a hard fought campaign to become verified on Twitter.
The frozen steak company has become known for embracing oddball humor and building a social media following through memes, bad beef jokes and commentary on trending topics of the day.
On Wednesday, Steak-umm broke through to a wider-than-usual audience on Twitter. In a string of incisive tweets, the company managed to analyze the alienation of young people through the very medium it claims is heavily at fault for the way they feel. And sneak in a few beef jokes while they were at it.
why are so many young people flocking to brands on social media for love, guidance, and attention? I'll tell you why. they're isolated from real communities, working service jobs they hate while barely making ends meat, and are living w/ unchecked personal/mental health problems
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) September 26, 2018
they're crushed by student loan debt, disenfranchised by past generations, and are dreading the future of our world every day from mass media addiction and the struggle to not just be happy, but to survive this chaotic time with every problem happening at once under a microscope
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) September 26, 2018
they grew up through the dawn of internet culture and have had mass advertising drilled into their media consumption, now they're being resold their childhoods by remakes, sequels, spinoffs, and other cheap nostalgia, making them more cynical to growth or authenticity
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) September 26, 2018
they often don't have parents to talk to because they say stuff like "you don't know how good you have it," and they don't have mentors to talk to because most of them have no concept for growing up in this strange time, which perpetuates the feeling of helplessness/loneliness
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) September 26, 2018
they have full access to social media and the information highway, but they feel more alone and insecure than ever. being behind a screen 24/7 has made them numb to everything, anxious and depressed about everything, and vitriolic or closed off toward anyone different from them
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) September 26, 2018
young people today have it the best and the worst. there's so much to process and very few trusted, accessible outlets to process it all through. so they go to memes. they go to obscure or absurdist humor. they go to frozen meat companies on twitter. end rant
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) September 26, 2018
Steak-umm bless
While there isn't anything particularly groundbreaking about the message here, it is a little unusual to see a prominent brand verbalize how lots of people feel about the state of our social fabric. For a moment in time, a cheesesteak helper cut through the love-hate cycle of content consumption that has warped our neurotransmitters and exposed our cavalier, disgusting nature in comment sections everywhere.
People from various corners of Twitter took notice of the Steak-umm tweet and praised the company's gesture, or at least acknowledged the semblance of sincere irony.
Meat your new therapist. https://t.co/Soho1HiGvq
— Trevor S. Valle (@tattoosandbones) September 26, 2018
welp, steak-umm 2020 I guess https://t.co/9RVWJeNxwD
— Chuck Wendig (@ChuckWendig) September 26, 2018
a spot on and impactful thread highlighting the struggles of life for many young people from...
— EricaJoy (@EricaJoy) September 26, 2018
*checks notes*
...steak ummm? https://t.co/Br03iBMXbf
So, this Steak-Umm thread.
— Ian Bogost (@ibogost) September 27, 2018
On the one hand, it’s earnest. I talked to the folks who run this account for this piece on #brands: https://t.co/GE0n8gTrka. It’s a real human who “means it.”
On the other hand, they can’t! The whole thing is a setup for “Steak-umm bless” branding. https://t.co/rZyosdgGQa
“keep the sizzle inside you strong” - steak-umm
— e(vil tina) (@pileofmicrosoft) September 27, 2018
thank you frozen steak sandwich company steak-umm for this surprisingly deep insightful thread https://t.co/qj95Xza0Lr
— emotionally unavailable (@binsentosan) September 27, 2018
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but... check out this poignant thread from Steak-umm. https://t.co/ro8ciiJm5a
— Some Girl DJ (@1CourtneyGannon) September 27, 2018
Of course, a day later it was pretty much back to business. We'll see if Steak-umm Twitter lives up to its newfound status as a thought leader.
ok eat Steak-umm or don’t it’s your life and I love you all the same despite dietary preferences but listen, I really need more followers than @hotpockets it’s about principles so please retweet and follow your favorite tweeting frozen food
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) September 27, 2018