Katie Gagnon

Katie Gagnon

Katie Gagnon is a public relations consultant and freelance writer from South Jersey. She founded Kathleen English Communications, LLC in 2009 in Philadelphia. A frequent flier and avid traveler, her favorite place in the world is the beach in Longport, NJ. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and son.

January 10, 2018

Children's Health

Help your child to survive cold and flu season

In my house, green now means stop. As in, if you bring your kids over to my house and they have green snot, I am going to stop you from entering my home. After endless weeks and multiple rounds of terrible colds, I have appointed myself the germ police. The bug stops here.

December 18, 2017


A properly installed car seat is one of the simplest ways to protect your child

If shopping for, installing and using a car seat seems stressful, ask for help. Knowing that you are protecting your child every time he gets in the car is worth it. And make sure you buckle up, too! Not only is it important for us Moms and Dads to stay safe in the car, it sets a good example for the little ones watching us from the back seat.

December 5, 2017


Tis the season to safeguard your kids

It may seem like danger is lurking around every corner once the decorations start to go up, but there are plenty of ways to celebrate the holidays while keeping your kids safe and giving yourself some peace of mind.

November 14, 2017

Children's Health

The lead poisoning problem in America

The side effects of lead exposure are irreversible and heartbreaking. Lead is a common metal found in the earth but it is also a neurotoxin that can cause developmental delays, learning disabilities, anemia, hypertension, decreased hearing, asthma. It can affect the brain, reproductive organs, nervous system and kidneys.

October 25, 2017


Some practical advice for planning baby’s first birthday party

Like everything I have experienced over my first year of motherhood, planning a child’s birthday party was a first for me. I had some ideas about how I wanted to celebrate my son, but I also sought advice from other parents and their children. Here are some of the strategies I employed and priorities I kept at the top of my mind to make my son’s birthday party a special day for all.

October 3, 2017

Children's Health

Your baby should get the flu shot and you should, too

I firmly believe that every parent has the right to make the personal decisions that are best for their families. But protecting our children from illnesses that could be fatal is where I start to draw the line.

September 19, 2017

Women's Health

Time to wean: why I’m happy (and sad) to stop nursing my 1-year old baby

There are so many things I love about breastfeeding my son: his little body curled up on mine, his hands touching my face, our shared contentment. I cherish these moments. And I am sad that this special time is coming to an end.

September 5, 2017

Women's Health

The final countdown: 5 ways to pass the time when you’re waiting for your baby

If you are near or past your due date, take heart: your baby will soon be in your arms! Try to enjoy the last moments of your pregnancy and give yourself a little “me time” in the meantime.

August 22, 2017


Stranger danger: Helping babies overcome social anxiety

Every stage of your child’s life is special and wonderful, but also full of new experiences and sometimes difficult transitions. If your baby is going through stranger anxiety try these tips and talk to your pediatrician.

August 8, 2017


Mom shaming: Six in 10 mothers have experienced this. But why?

When we are trying our best, listening to our doctor’s advice and giving our all to our children, any kind of negative feedback can really sting. However, sometimes it feels like people are going to find fault with whatever you are doing.

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