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March 15, 2015

America's favorite shots, by state

031515_shots Blowfish/for PhillyVoice

A map of America's preferences for shots, color coded by state.

What is your favorite shot of choice? Does the state you live in say anything about how you like your liquor? 

Based on a non-scientific survey run by Blowfish, a plurality of Americans ranks lemon drops number 1, with Jägerbombs not far behind. 

5,249 Americans were polled across the 50 states, with a few places serving as outliers. New Jersey picked Southern Comfort and lime as its top shot, while Rhode Island favors shots of tequila.

In the midst of this festive season, to put it mildly, here is a list put together by Thrillist that walks you through 38 longstanding shot-and-a-beer deals under $7 at bars throughout Philadelphia.
