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March 25, 2019

Dining Out For Life returns to Philadelphia

Go to one of these restaurants and a portion of your bill will go to fight HIV and AIDS.

Double Knot Marie DiFeliciantonio/Bondfire

A big cozy pink booth inside new restaurant Double Knot.

Dining Out for Life, the day when restaurants around the world donate a portion of their receipts to organizations combating AIDS and HIV, returns to Philadelphia, Thursday, April 18. 

If you grab a dinner or lunch at one of the roughly 150 local restaurants participating, 33 percent of your bill will be donated to either Action Wellness, AIDS Delaware or the Camden Area Health Education Center, all non-profits devoted to stopping the spread of the disease and helping those afflicted. 

RELATED: Philly AIDS Thrift sets donation record, awards grants totaling nearly $250,000 | AIDS treatment has progressed, but without a vaccine, suffering still abounds

Here's a complete list of restaurants participating in Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, which include some of the most popular in the region such as Double Knot, Frankford Hall, Little Nonna's and Silk City Diner. 

If you donate $25 during your dining experience or online  you will get a card good for 20 percent off any meal on any Tuesday at a participating eatery. The card expires May 15. Those who can't make it out for a meal on Dine Out for Life Thursday but want to contribute can go here

Dining Out for Life 

Thursday, April 18
Lunch or Dinner
Various restaurants throughout the region
