Woman who said she didn’t know who she was turns out to be from Philly

She was identified by her daughters thanks to a Facebook post from police

The woman pictured here told police she didn't know who she was.
New Jersey State Police/for PhillyVoice

A woman found sitting on a park bench in Norwood Township, N.J., and said she didn’t know who she was has been identified by police as a Philadelphia native.

The woman was found on Tuesday by a Norwood public works crew, according to NBC New York. When she spoke with police, the woman reportedly said she’d been in a car accident in Washington state close to a year ago, and walked from the west coast to New Jersey.

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The woman was hospitalized at New Bridge Medical Center, as police tried to identify her.

From Norwood Police Chief Jeffrey Krapels, via NBC New York:

“She wasn't giving us the full story. She didn't remember her name, she didn't know where she is, and when she does talk, she just talks about her service in various wars.”

New Jersey State Police posted a picture of the woman to Facebook on Thursday and asked for help identifying her:

According to NBC, the woman’s two daughters — one living in Pennsylvania, one living in Nebraska — called police in Norwood because of the Facebook post, saying their mother had been missing for six months. The two daughters plan to fly to New Jersey to pick up their mother.