February 03, 2021
Getting off the couch can be difficult in the middle of winter — especially amid a pandemic. Virtual workouts with your friends can help you find the motivation needed to maintain your fitness.
It's cold outside. It's dark by the time you finish work and it is no longer frowned upon to wear sweatpants to a meeting. How could anyone expect you to work out right now? I feel your pain. Convincing myself that I really will be happy if I get off my couch and go for a run outside or lift some weights can be a struggle. Here's the good news — you will never regret a workout.
The winter slump is here and it's real. I have clients texting me, trying to get out of their sessions because they are lacking the energy, and I get it. Why work out when you can stay under a warm blanket on your couch and binge Bridgerton? The easy answer? You will always feel better post workout. But you know this already, and quite honestly, a lot of the time we don't care. So what else can I say to help you get out of the winter clump?
Exercise is proven to promote brain activity, so a midday workout might be just the thing you need to get out of that computer-staring haze. Take a lunchtime break and sweat for 30 minutes and I promise you will feel reenergized and ready to tackle your afternoon work. One of the easiest, healthiest and simplest ways to overcome midday fatigue is to get in a quick workout!
Exercise also is a major contributor to improving mental health and reducing stress. While taking a break from a crazy, stressful day at the office might seem impossible, even stepping outside for a 10-minute walk will clear your mind and help you relax. Though it might be cold right now, fresh air is a great way to wake yourself up and collect your thoughts between meetings.
Exercise is a great way to socialize while doing something fun; I know I’m not the only one who actually enjoys taking a class with girlfriends. Workout classes used to be an easy way to meet up with friends after work and they still can be, even from your own home.
I teach a weekly High Intensity class to a group of friends who missed meeting up after work so much that they found the next best thing. We meet on Zoom once a week for an awesome sweat followed by the ladies catching up. Connect with your friends, find a time that works for everyone and you're halfway there. There are so many free classes on Youtube to stream if you're looking for a class to take, or send me a message and you can Get Drucked Up with your friends!
Similar to exercising with friends, setting up workouts with colleagues is an easy way to connect outside of the office. They allow you to bond over something more than your work spreadsheets and let your mind take a break. Committing to a workout time with a co-worker will help keep both people accountable; you can't skip your workout if someone else is relying on you to join!
Many companies encourage group classes as a way for employees to thrive outside of the office. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have taught weekly classes for a ton of corporate companies looking to increase camaraderie among employees and improve productivity. A benefit to working from home is that you don't need to worry about showering at the office or even set aside time to go to the gym. It's right there in your living room.
When it's early in the morning and you're feeling sleepy, or exhausted after a long day at your desk, sometimes you just want to turn your brain off and focus on what you're listening to. Music is a great way to pump you up and there are thousands of Spotify or Apple Music playlists out there for any genre.
However, I'm here to share a surprising alternative — podcasts! I know it doesn't sound too appetizing to listen to someone speaking while working out, but trust me on this. Podcasts are great because you can take your mind off of the workout and immerse yourself into what you're listening to. For all my movie lovers, a favorite of mine is The Rewatchables on The Ringer network. They dive deep into your favorite movie and discuss everything from the most rewatchable scene to the MVP of the movie. I also love Skimm’d From The Couch, where the founders of the Skimm interview other female entrepreneurs and walk through their inspiring journeys.
You've got thousands of podcasts to choose from, so pick one that sounds entertaining and you'll forget how tired you are and end up adding in another set of exercises just to finish the end of the episode!
I know the winter blues are upon us and they try to bring us down, but now it is time to bounce right back up. Get outside, breathe some fresh air, break a sweat and I promise, you will never regret a workout. Try this quick and simple workout that you can do from your living room!