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January 06, 2022

Safety reminder: Move over for roadway workers and first responders

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The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) is reminding drivers to move over for stopped emergency and work vehicles.

“We urge all motorists to drive with respect for our roadway workers,” said NJDOT Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti. “Please move over when you see any members of our team working on the road, and if you cannot safely move over, slow down so that they can get home safe and sound.”

Limited - Slow Down Move Over Pink Sign
In 2021, more than 50 responders have been struck and killed across the United States while working in or near moving traffic. A recent AAA survey unveiled a frightening statistic: almost 90 percent of New Jersey first responders have reported at least one near-miss, life threatening incident where motorists had refused to slow down and move over.

The New Jersey Move Over Law (New Jersey Statute 39:4-92.2) requires motorists to move over at least one lane if safe. Otherwise, a driver must slow down to provide a safer work environment for all first responders, authorized emergency vehicles and workers on New Jersey roads.

In 2021, Commissioner Gutierrez-Scaccetti and New Jersey State Police Superintendent Colonel Patrick Callahan announced the launch of a bumper sticker and poster campaign to raise public awareness of the Slow Down, Move Over Law. Florescent pink stickers are being placed on the bumpers of NJDOT and participating emergency response vehicles, and Quick Chek is displaying the Slow Down, Move Over posters in their New Jersey stores and gas stations.

“The goal of the bumper sticker and poster campaign is to reinforce this important message so that it becomes second nature to drivers,” said Commissioner Gutierrez-Scaccetti. “At NJDOT, we have a saying — we want everyone to get home, every night.”

Watch this Crash Responder Week video on the importance of slowing down and moving over.
