Winner of adult science fair gets one year supply of PBR

Calling all mad scientists and zany innovators

A microscope is an instrument used to see objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
Thom Carroll/PhillyVoice

Pabst Blue Ribbon and North Bowl in Philadelphia are hosting an adult science fair, asking mad scientists and zany innovators to create projects related to the theme "partying."

No, you can't just chug a beer in a toga and scream "In the name of science!" Projects must have sound scientific or technical basis.

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A panel of "Science and Party Experts" will choose 15 experiments or investigations to showcase at North Bowl in April. The prize up for grabs will be one-year supply of PBR, one year unlimited bowling at North Bowl and a Next Fab class pack with two-month membership.

Both teams and individuals can submit projects, but all participants must be 21 or older. Projects need to be submitted by Friday, March 23.

The science fair at North Bowl will take place 8 p.m. to midnight on Friday, April 6. Science-lovers are invited to check out the projects to vote on their favorite. There will be food and drink specials, a DJ and chances to win prizes just for showing up.

Find more information on the contest and project submissions here.

Update: PBR has clarified that the winner will receive "one-year supply of PBR" not "one-year unlimited supply of PBR."

Weird Science: An Adult Science Fair

Friday, April 6
8 p.m. to midnight | Free to attend
North Bowl
909 N. Second St., Philadelphia, PA 19123