August 06, 2016
Sometimes, when it comes to crime stories (particularly thefts), there is some empathy to be had for the culprit. Maybe they're struggling to get by or were in some way legitimately wronged by the person they're burglarizing. That's in no way condoning crime, but just noting that you can at least, in some instances, sort of understand why someone did it.
It's hard to imagine that being the case for whoever stole one Philadelphia resident's wheelchair.
A story published to 6ABC's website Saturday morning will, assuming you have a conscience, make you feel sick.
Bill Dyer of Kensington told the news station that his electric wheelchair, which he needs to get around after he got hit by a train, was stolen by someone who apparently cut the chain he uses to lock it up out front of his house. He can't afford to replace it (a new chair would cost $5,000), and he essentially needs it to get anywhere outside of his house. That makes things tough, because now he's relying on others to get his food. Giving other people his money to do so, obviously, makes him nervous. Per 6ABC:
With his power chair, Dyer would typically be able to make a trip to the corner market in a matter of seconds. Action News walked with Dyer as he took several minutes to make the trip.
"I really have to do what I have to do. I can't just starve to death," said Dyer.
That's just awful.
Bill Dyer, a man I don't know living in Kensington, is disabled & his wheelchair was stolen. Scumbags better get caught. Channel 6 had it.
— Séamus Doyle (@saintseamus) August 6, 2016
If you know who stole it, contact police.