Cheesesteak shop in Northeast Philly closed for 20 health code violations

Also: lots of cockroaches

Jims Steaks roosevelt mall
This screen capture shows the Jim's Steaks location at Roosevelt Mall in Northeast Philly.
StreetView/Google Maps

Jim’s Steaks is among the 21 restaurants closed (at least temporarily) after unsavory health code inspections.

The Roosevelt Mall shop in Northeast Philadelphia had no less than 20 reported health code violations, nine of which were serious. Among those more serious infractions cited are accumulated ice and mold, old mouse feces, overflowing floor drains and encrusted food residue on food slicers,'s Clean Plates first reported

The shop agreed to close on July 26 until it’s approved by the department.

Jim’s is definitely the most notable name in this recent set of closed restaurants, which were inspected between July 16 and Aug. 4, but other closures allegedly had even more horrifying violations.

In particular, Hiro Ramen at 11th and Chestnut was reportedly filled with German cockroaches – alive and dead – in every hidden corner imaginable. Gaps in wooden shelving, wire shelving in the kitchen and door hinges were all acting as homes to the roaches.

On July 25, Hiro Ramen was issued with a cease operations order to discontinue food operations.

Visit's Clean Plates for a further look into which restaurants to avoid for a while.