WATCH: Stephen Colbert takes on Citizen Bank Park's 'Pistachio Girl' in monologue

Emily Youcis formerly served concessions at Citizens Bank Park.

It's no surprise that Stephen Colbert, host of CBS's "The Late Show" took on President-elect Donald Trump this week in his opening monologue, but Philadelphia's Emily Youcis? That's something new.

Youcis, who got the nickname "Pistachio Girl" for her energetic sales pitches as she serves concessions to Phillies fans at Citizens Bank Park, was recently fired by Aramark for her affiliation with the social group known as the "alt-right."

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That's after a video surfaced that shows Youcis, 26, as a field correspondent fighting with protestors outside a National Policy Institute conference in Washington, D.C. NPI is known as a supremacist organization that espouses anti-Semitic, racist and xenophobic views.

Youcis called the protestors "Commies" and was later sprayed with paint. 

In the "Late Show" video published on Colbert's YouTube channel Saturday, he teases to a video of Youcis singing "pistachios" at a Phillies game which he then calls "his favorite Bob Segar song of all time."

He then explains why "Pistachio Girl" has been dominating headlines as of late.

"Why is she selling pistachios? Cracker Jacks has crackers right in the name," he says in the monologue.

He calls the recent incidents that unfolded "shocking" before the show's "beloved singing 'Walnut Boy'" appears. After a bit of back and forth, the man tells Colbert that he believes that walnuts are "ordained by God as a superior nut."

There's some more to it, but we'll keep the spoilers to a minimum.

Watch the full monologue below: