March 12, 2017
As Alec Baldwin considers the right time to retire his impersonation of President Donald Trump, the actor delivered another "heroic" performance as the commander in chief.
On this week's episode of "Saturday Night Live," Baldwin returned after an unexpected absence to his role that has been a familiar presence throughout the season. The show featured Scarlett Johansson as the guest host with musical guest Lorde.
In the show's cold episode, the United States was under a violent attack waged by aliens. While military personnel were gearing up to fend off the invaders, Baldwin's Trump wanted to say a few words to inspire the troops.
Unfortunately, Baldwin's Trump treated the appearance like a campaign rally and ranted through his usual talking points, including his feud with the media, the extravagance of his hotel properties and his commitment to bringing back jobs in the coal industry.
"What a beautiful day! Who here loves Trump? I know this guy over here, he loves Trump," Baldwin's Trump began before quickly transitioning to coal jobs.
An U.S. Army leader (played by cast member Kenan Thompson) tried to steer the president's attention to the damage inflicted on the nation. "They just vaporized the entire state of California," Thompson's character informed Trump.
"So I won the popular vote?" Baldwin’s Trump replied.
"Sir, please, everyone in California is dead!" Thompson's character pleaded.
"Even Arnold?" Baldwin’s Trump retorted, referring to a spat with Arnold Schwarzenegger over NBC show "The Apprentice."
Later in the sketch, Baldwin’s Trump questioned the origins of Earth's attackers. Much like the current worries concerning the Trump White House's ties to Russia, Baldwin’s Trump offered only supporting remarks about Zorblatt 9 despite disparaging comments about his critics.
"We don't know that they are from Zorblatt 9. I've actually heard that Zorblatt 9 is very beautiful, very fantastic," Trump warned.
"Oh my god! Does he have business ties on Zorblatt 9?" a soldier worried.
Lastly, the skit spoofed Trump's frequent exaggerations over his hotel properties. An officer rushed in to lay out the estimated damage totals on New York City.
"Trump Hotel has been completely destroyed, causing $50 million in damages," the officer explains.
"More like $1 billion," Trump corrected.
"Well, luckily no lives were lost because no one was staying at the hotel." the officer assured.
"That's not true," Trump huffed. "Everyone loves to stay at my hotel. I'm sure a bunch of top-shelf, classy people died there."
Watch it here:
Other members of Trump's family weren't spared by the show either.
Johansson portrayed first daughter Ivanka Trump in a commercial for her new brand of perfume for women, “Complicit - the fragrance for the woman who could stop all this, but won’t.”
The ad parody slammed Ivanka for standing idly by the president's policies after maintaining that she is a feminist and champion for women.