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May 05, 2024

Weekly walking club returns to Ocean City's boardwalk for the summer

The group will head out every Friday morning from the Music Pier.

ocean city walking club Provided Image/CITY OF OCEAN CITY

Stroll the boards every Friday this summer in Ocean City with the second annual walking club.

This summer, Jersey Shore-goers can socialize while getting their steps in.

The Ocean City Walking Club has returned for its second year on the boardwalk. Anyone interested is invited to meet outside the Music Pier at 9 a.m. every Friday starting May 10 for a stroll down the boards. Starting June 14, the walks will depart at 8 a.m.

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The Ocean City Healthy Living Advisory Council created the group last year as a way for people to "get healthy and meet new friends."

The group walks a round trip of the boards, totaling 4.9 miles and about 90 minutes, but participants are welcome to stop at any point along the route.

All are welcome to join the weekly walks, and the HLAC urges members to bring a coffee or water for the stroll. 

Potential walkers who want more information on the club can email

Ocean City Walking Club

Every Friday through the summer starting May 10
9 a.m. (8 a.m. starting June 14) | Free
Ocean City Music Pier
825 Boardwalk, Ocean City, NJ 08226

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