Cities like New York City, Miami and Los Angeles are popular tourist destinations in the United States.
The Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau, PHLCVB, hopes to draw more international travelers to Philly with a new video campaign.
“Many people have misconceptions about Philly or don’t know where it is,” Brian Said, executive director of PHLCVB, told Philadelphia Business Journal. “We have to fight for the exposure and hustle to get to the top of mind, unlike some of the competing cities.”
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Working with Brand USA, PHLCVB is creating three short videos to attract visitors from the United Kingdom, Germany and Brazil. Each one features a map of the city, which also demonstrates its proximity to New York and Washington, D.C.
Rather than providing a general overview of the city, the videos are designed to portray unique experiences, culture, and history that would draw the interest of each target audience. PHLCVB and Brand USA found that shopping is a key selling point for Brazilians, so Macy’s teamed up with the two organizations to fund the video for Brazil.
“When we are shooting a video about Philadelphia for Germany, we get a German host and we tell him or her what Philadelphia wants to promote to their native country,” Brianne Maciejowski, a spokeswoman for Brand USA, told Philadelphia Business Journal.
“We do not use subtitles or any kind of translation, but produce them in the native language so viewers feel very much spoken to. The goal is to bring Philly to the forefront by drawing the international community in and strengthening the awareness of those who already know about Philly."
Video footage includes shots of Reading Terminal Market, the Mural Arts Program and Independence National Historical Park.
Read more from Philadelphia Business Journal.