5k Ugly Sweater Run returns to Fairmount

Enjoy holiday festivities before, during, after the race

Ugly Sweater Run
Runners wear festive attire to participate in the Ugly Sweater Run across the country.
The Ugly Sweater Run/for PhillyVoice

On Saturday, Dec. 19 Fairmount Park will be filled with ugly sweaters. Be prepared for gaudy styles, "punny" outfits, hideous handmade masterpieces, pop-culture knits, and overly embellished garb. The fun-run is less about racing to the end and more about enjoying the silliness. 

Each mile along the course will have a holiday-themed station. There will be hot chocolate, fake snow, photo-ops and holiday music. All ages are invited to run or walk the 3.1-mile course and children 5 and under participate for free.

The festivities don't end once the course is completed. Each Ugly Sweater runner receives a custom vintage knit hat, unlimited hot chocolate, and one beer (for the 21-plus crowd). Awards for best mustache, best fake mustache, best beard, and worst sweater will also be awarded at the end of the race.

The charity partner for this year is Save the Childrenan advocacy nonprofit that helps children in the U.S. and around the world. 

The Ugly Sweater Run

Saturday, Dec. 19
8 a.m. | $40-$50 registration
Fairmount Park
4231 Avenue of the Republic