October 09, 2016
Donald Trump speaks town hall at second presidential debate at Washington University on October 9, 2016.
Heading into Sunday night's second 2016 presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, all eyes were on Republican candidate Donald Trump in the wake of his offensive comments recorded during an appearance on the set of "Days of Our Lives" for a 2005 cameo.
Political observers and many American voters, including outraged conservatives, have condemned Trump's sexist remarks and questioned whether he can effectively recover from the issue over the final month before the Nov. 8 election.
Twitter was quick to rule on Trump's handling of the barrage of questions served up to him by Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz.
Awkward! No handshake as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump take the stage for tonight's #debate https://t.co/dLpd1LiTMv pic.twitter.com/REmBYal5Vn
— New York Post (@nypost) October 10, 2016
Locker room talk = things that sexual assaulters say?
— shonda rhimes (@shondarhimes) October 10, 2016
"Im a gentlemen"
— Geeks Of Color (@GeeksOfColor) October 10, 2016
*Audience laughs* #debate pic.twitter.com/8PKc2PaIiK
.@realDonaldTrump says "he has tremendous respect for women," but his words, actions, and stances on women's rights say otherwise. #debate pic.twitter.com/YpwllE2OTB
— NARAL (@NARAL) October 10, 2016
Yeah OK, Donald. #debate pic.twitter.com/afRMZeNzVw
— VICE (@VICE) October 10, 2016
When Trump says it's just "locker room talk," he's defending the very culture that normalizes sexual assaults on women.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) October 10, 2016
Donald just gave all of his answers he had memorized , to the first question
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) October 10, 2016
By the end of the debate Trump will wish he had stayed in the locker room.
— the dead author (@thedeadauthor) October 10, 2016
"I know you're into big diversion tonight, Donald." -- @HillaryClinton #debate pic.twitter.com/MZ9aH1O5Oj
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) October 10, 2016
Oh god he just called it "locker room talk."#Debate pic.twitter.com/2gRSLt5sCu
— Noah Kinsey (@thenoahkinsey) October 10, 2016
This #debate is basically a bad episode of Maury
— Kira Kosarin (@kirakosarin) October 10, 2016
— r // 10 (@NOTRlLEY) October 10, 2016
Note to self: Do not go into the Locker Room at Trump University.
— Will McAvoy (@WillMcAvoyACN) October 10, 2016
I'm a Muslim, and I would like to report a crazy man threatening a woman on a stage in Missouri. #debate
— Moustafa Bayoumi (@BayoumiMoustafa) October 10, 2016
Donald Trump in 1999: Hillary Clinton has "been through more than any woman should have to bear" #debate pic.twitter.com/rCjO9Hsvau
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) October 9, 2016
Oops @billclinton just noticed the four women in the audience! #Debates2016 pic.twitter.com/YpQBGcdvva
— Deplorable Sweets ♡ (@SweetsKatz) October 10, 2016
Reporter: “Why did you say you touch women without their consent, Mr Trump?”
— Brandon Wall (@Walldo) October 9, 2016
Paula Jones: "Why don't y'all go ask Bill Clinton that?" pic.twitter.com/gWEBwzGDiu
Donald Trump's 'debate prep' was actually a panel of women accusing Bill Clinton of sexual assault https://t.co/156M7d1nzq
— TIME (@TIME) October 10, 2016
We are all this man.#Debates2016 pic.twitter.com/A5XDHUl0Pa
— Cole Ledford (@ColeLedford11) October 10, 2016
He's physically trying to intimidate her by standing right behind her this is cray #debate
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) October 10, 2016
Don't let up, @andersoncooper...we feel you. #debate #debate2016 pic.twitter.com/fWqdOAeSQY
— Caitlin S, PhD (@Paleophile) October 10, 2016
Comeback of the year #Debates2016 pic.twitter.com/k2CvF3TXxG
— James Slingsby (@luckyjimsling) October 10, 2016
It's safe to assume no presidential candidate in US history has explicitly threatened his opponent with a trial if elected. #debate
— Colin Moriarty (@notaxation) October 10, 2016
I think I'll make the Oval Office pink #debate pic.twitter.com/L6VgKdEP8E
— Sarah Cooper (@sarahcpr) October 10, 2016