February 28, 2016
In a year full of Oscars controversy, from the complete lack of nominees of color in the major acting categories for yet another year to the protests and boycotts that ensued, the 2016 Academy Awards are under a bigger magnifying glass than ever. Viewers from around the world wide web wasted no time making their opinions on this year's ceremony known. Check out some of our favorite Twitter reactions to this year's Oscars below.
More on the 2016 Oscars
Oscars 2016: Celebrities fete a year in film
Chris Rock tackles diversity in Oscar monologue
Best Dressed: Celebs rock the 2016 Oscars red carpet
How Adam McKay went from Temple dropout to Oscar nominee
The best moments of the 2016 Oscars
"I just ate a lot of cookies." Common is all of us #Oscars
— sara zucker (@sbz) February 29, 2016
The Bear from 'The Revenant' looking absolutely stunning in half a tuxedo and no pants at all. #Oscars pic.twitter.com/WZ9ZcMHztq
— Funny Or Die (@funnyordie) February 29, 2016
Tonight is the #Oscars aka COMEDIAN TARGET PRACTICE.
— Hari Kondabolu (@harikondabolu) February 29, 2016
This is like two hours of adults talking to other adults like it’s everyone’s first day of kindergarten. #Oscars
— Tabatha Southey (@TabathaSouthey) February 29, 2016
Best reaction of the night so far. #Oscars https://t.co/MtL597d2r5 pic.twitter.com/8hWPgZYyAZ
— GIPHY (@giphy) February 29, 2016
Honestly it feels like nothing relevant is gonna happen for the rest of the #oscars.
— Carolyn Castiglia (@missckc) February 29, 2016
OK, @chrisrock deserves an award for that opening monologue. #Oscars pic.twitter.com/2Yp1HYfg7z
— ASOS (@ASOS) February 29, 2016
Leslie Jones is funnier than any bear and also more intimidating
— Matt Simansky (@ActionNewsMatt) February 29, 2016
Stacey Dash just showed up, and we're very confused. #Oscars
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) February 29, 2016
Don't care how good the musical performances are, the moment the singing starts its time to start refilling my drink. #Oscars
— Philip DeFranco (@PhillyD) February 29, 2016
This #Oscars broadcast should have a Leo Cam that's just a feed of Leo's face for the entire one million hours or however long this lasts.
— Amy Odell (@amyodell) February 29, 2016
Eddie Redmayne wins best supporting costar for crying for Alicia Vikander #Oscars
— Vulture (@vulture) February 29, 2016
Blah blah Michael deserves the nom but I think we all deserve this beautiful couple to become a thing #Oscars pic.twitter.com/3rDfKXJUzf
— Nicole Calasich (@calasich) February 29, 2016
Arbys is the symphony in your arteries, playing you off the perverse stage that is sentience. Twist: you didn't even win
— Nihilist Arby's (@nihilist_arbys) February 29, 2016
Eat arbys #Oscars
"The Minions are on their way" is a respectful trigger warning #Oscars
— Caitlin Bitzegaio (@caitorade) February 29, 2016
"What's a kind, not at all menacing way to nudge people to wrap up their speeches?"
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) February 29, 2016
"Flight of the Valkyries?"
Imagine receiving an award for your life's work from Minions. #Oscars
— Anne T. Donahue (@annetdonahue) February 29, 2016
What if Fifty Shades of Grey wins an Oscar before Leo?
— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) February 29, 2016
A bit of #Oscars trivia: This set is an exact replica of The Weeknd's bedroom.
— Marc Bernardin (@marcbernardin) February 29, 2016
*Philadelphia throws snowballs at the Academy*
— Stephen Pianovich (@SPianovich) February 29, 2016
The #Oscars: Where a Shakespearean legend with 83 Tonys beating the star of “Stop or My Mom Will Shoot” is a HUGE upset.
— Daniel Fienberg (@TheFienPrint) February 29, 2016
Oh good, the payoff for this hilarious Girl Scout Cookies bit. #Oscars
— Kyle Anderson (@FunctionalNerd) February 29, 2016
Someone write a buddy comedy for these two. #Oscars pic.twitter.com/ySHUrgWFCz
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) February 29, 2016
*Joe Biden winks once*
— Mic (@micnews) February 29, 2016
*standing ovation* #Oscars
John Legend and Common are like the serious version of Key and Peele #Oscars
— Vinny Guadagnino (@VINNYGUADAGNINO) February 29, 2016
Me after watching that @ladygaga peformance & then hearing @samsmithworld win best song. #Oscars #OscarBert pic.twitter.com/g6OEeMcUA3
— Kristin Klingshirn (@KrisKling) February 29, 2016
When you've had forever to perfect that acceptance speech 🙌 #LeonardoDiCaprio #Oscars pic.twitter.com/QIqyzGCqpR
— Seventeen (@seventeen) February 29, 2016
I'm in a cab DID HE THANK ALAN THICKE? #Oscars
— Paul F. Tompkins (@PFTompkins) February 29, 2016