February 08, 2017
A politician's job is to be the voice of his or her constituents, and it looks like State Sen. Daylin Leach is doing right by his.
The Pennsylvania Democrat from Montgomery County called President Donald Trump a "s***-gibbon" on social media Tuesday while linking to a Politico story that described a meeting Trump had with a group of sheriffs from around the country on Tuesday.
During the meeting, a sheriff from Texas discussed civil asset forfeiture with the president and the legislation a senator in his home state wanted that would mean a person would have to be convicted of a crime before officials could take and forfeiture money.
According to Politico, Trump responded: “Who is the state senator? Do you want to give his name? We’ll destroy his career."
Leach responded, on Facebook and Twitter: "Hey @realDonaldTrump I oppose civil asset forfeiture too! Why don't you try to destroy my career you fascist, loofa-faced, s***-gibbon!"
Many took to social media, hailing Leach as a "hero." One even compared the senator to the gladiator Spartacus. Another asked if it would be weird if he hung a poster of Leach in his bedroom.
OH MY GOD. Is it weird that I want a poster of a politician on my bedroom wall? https://t.co/dzlnlNxuv6
— Adam Blackhat (@AdamBlackhat) February 8, 2017
@AdamBlackhat Not at all. I have 7 or 8 of myself on my bedroom wall.
— Daylin Leach (@daylinleach) February 8, 2017
@lachlan @thephillyvoice This makes me proud to hail from the Keystone State.
— Beth (@BethPMeier) February 8, 2017
My new hero: Daylin Leach! 👏 https://t.co/jxv2ybk1bx
— Kelly in Philly (@CPhT_Kelly) February 8, 2017
@daylinleach @thephillyvoice You win ALL the Internets today. Peace brother, fight the good fight. Put me on list for donation when time!
— Kevin B Martin (@KevinBMartin1) February 8, 2017
@lachlan @thephillyvoice We just might have our Spartacus here
— H Incandenza (@BurkeThos) February 8, 2017
It even started a new hashtag.
#sh__gibbon https://t.co/zshFVfNo1S
— Tim Brown (@tmbrown327) February 8, 2017
But obviously, Leach got pushback from a handful, too.
@daylinleach @thephillyvoice You are in need of serious mental health services! Not to mention, you have no business in public office!
— LAG (@lagarrido) February 8, 2017
But many others had another valid question – what's a "s---gibbon?"
Definitely can't say I've heard "s***-gibbon" used before today @daylinleach @thephillyvoice https://t.co/N4LsV9j25P
— Ezra Dunkle-Polier (@ezradp) February 8, 2017
@Ralfoo7 @thephillyvoice what's a shit gibbon?
— oufenix 💙hrc (@oufenix) February 8, 2017
@lachlan @thephillyvoice @Olivianuzzi What exactly is a shit-gibbon? I am crying here. ha ha
— Mike Labare (@MikeLabare) February 8, 2017
We're not sure either. A gibbon is a primate most commonly found in parts of Southeast Asia, but "s***-gibbon" looks like it's a Scottish insult.
It's not the first time the president's been called the name, either. He was subject to the insult on Twitter during his post-Brexit visit to the United Kingdom, too.
Scotland voted to stay & plan on a second referendum, you tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon. https://t.co/iKyEIxf8ej
— Hamfisted Bun Vendor (@MetalOllie) June 24, 2016