Tour city in new virtual reality experience from Visit Philadelphia

Virtual tour
A screenshot of Visit Philadelphia's new virtual tour.
Visit Philadelphia/Courtesy

Get ready to see Philadelphia in a whole new way.

Visit Philadelphia, the official visitor site for all things tourism and travel, debuted a virtual tour of the City of Brotherly Love on Friday that shows 25 panoramic, 360-degree photos and a three-minute long 360-degree video.

Potential visitors don't necessarily need a virtual reality headset to get the full immersive experience. The virtual tour is available for desktop and mobile users to view here, but a headset is required for the full effect.

“Every day we give online visitors compelling reasons to plan a trip to Philadelphia, and we believe this new view of the city will give the 20 million people who use and each year even more reasons to visit and do more while they’re here,” Meryl Levitz, president and CEO of VisitPhilly, said in a statement.

The short video takes visitors for a run along the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, through Indepence Hall, to the Liberty Bell, for a cheesesteak at Pat's King of Steaks, for a bike ride down the Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk, up the Rocky Steps to the Philadelphia Museum of Art and more.

VisitPhilly teamed up with YouVisit, a virtual reality company that's made similar experiences for cities like Paris and New York where they're based, for the new virtual experience.