It was only six months ago that veteran radio host Tony Bruno was paired up with newcomer Josh Innes in the afternoon drive slot on 94.1 WIP. Fast-forward to today and the duo won’t be working together anymore after the 63-year-old Philadelphia native voluntarily pulled the plug on the show. From Bruno’s website:
After 45 years of pursuing my dreams and goal of radio and climbing the sport radio stairs to the highest rungs, the format and industry in general no longer provide me joy and satisfaction, even after reaching number 1 in pm drive in record time in my hometown.
I decided to resign from WIP and from regular long-form terrestrial radio as a result and will pursue my podcasts and other things to keep me occupied and happy.
Those are only a few selected paragraphs from what is a much longer statement, but Bruno framed it as a personal decision. There had been reports (mainly from Crossing Broad, which specializes in the so-called “Radio Wars”) that some level of friction existed between the two hosts.
Bruno, who will apparently continue to podcast, has enjoyed a very successful career. He had national shows with ESPN and Fox Sports before coming back to Philadelphia in recent years at 97.5 The Fanatic, and eventually, WIP. On top of all that, he was prominently featured in Madden for a few years, which was prime real estate as far as I’m concerned.
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