October 09, 2021
Drivers who have skipped paying tolls in neighboring Delaware now have opportunities to pay off their debts at significantly reduced prices through an amnesty program.
The Delaware Department of Transportation started a three-month amnesty program for toll scofflaws at the start of October to incentivize drivers to pay their toll bills. The amnesty continues through Dec. 31.
Transportation department officials said the total owed to the state in uncollected tolls has added up to $143 million in recent years. More than 640,000 drivers have unpaid tolls debts owed to DelDOT – about 620,000 of those motorists have 10 or fewer toll violations and the other 20,000 have more than 10.
The amnesty program could recoup $1.7 million, DelDOT officials estimated.
Drivers who skip paying tolls in Delaware quickly accumulate fines and fees. For example, a person who skips paying a $1 toll at a toll booth, after 30 days, owes $51 once various fees, fines and administrative costs are added on. If the initial sum still is not paid another 42 days after that, more charges bump up the debt to $88.50.
Drivers with multiple toll violations can quickly accumulate hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars toll violations.
"Through this program, eligible participants have the opportunity to settle their accounts for a fraction of the amount owed. In preparation, please ensure your current vehicle registration address on file with the Division is accurate," Jana Simpler, Director of DelDOT said.
The amount of toll amnesty a driver is eligible for depends on his or her number of toll violations. Drivers with 10 or fewer unpaid violations will owe the sum of the original tolls, plus a $60 amnesty fee. A person with with more than 100 violations owes the sum of the tolls plus $285, and someone with more than 250 violations pays the toll sum plus $510.
Drivers with multiple violations who are eligible for the amnesty program will be sent letters, and they will have until Dec. 31 to pay the reduced fees.
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