May 02, 2024
Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker signed a City Council bill that imposes a $100 fine on the owners of cars with tinted windows that violate Pennsylvania law.
Philadelphia officials are cracking down on cars with illegally-tinted windows – an effort that they say will combat crime.
The owners of parked vehicles with "sun screening devices" that obscure the driver from view can be fined $100 under a new law signed Thursday by Mayor Cherelle Parker, FOX29 reported.
The fines will be assessed to vehicles with windows that violate Pennsylvania state law, which prohibits side windows and windshields that block more than 30% of light from passing through. The law goes into effect in 60 days.
Councilmember Mike Driscoll, who introduced the bill with Mark Squilla, has said that people use tinted windows to hide their identities while speeding or driving recklessly, or to prevent law enforcement officers from inspecting their vehicles.
He cited the March 6 shooting in Burholme that injured eight Northeast High School students. The getaway car used by the alleged shooters had tinted windows. The bill passed City Council unanimously.
Parker has signed several safety-related bills into law, including measures that regulate casino-like "skill games" and license plate flippers, and one that imposes a curfew on certain Kensington businesses.
"This body must give law enforcement every tool to make it harder to commit crime," Driscoll said last month.