There are several reasons why summer is a perfect time to adopt a pet.
Having a puppy around gives you an incentive to get outdoors to enjoy the warmer weather and get some exercise.
And in the summer months, there's often more down time since the kids are out of school, which will help the animal get acclimated into the family.
Whatever your reason, it’s vital that you do your homework before adopting an animal, from figuring out what kind and breed will fit best in your family to locating a licensed, reputable shelter.
Summer selfies are better with a pup. (File Art.)
Here are six regional resources to help you find your new furry friend
1. Learn what breed fits best with your family
There are many shelters that specialize in a certain kind of animal or breed.
For example, in New Jersey, The Senior Dogs Project focuses on finding homes for dogs who are in need of a warm bed and a friendly pat on the head during its golden years. SOS Beagles works to find homes for the floppy-eared, fun-loving breed.
While senior dogs typically do better in a quiet and calm home where they can relax, an energetic Beagle may make the perfect playmate for an adventurous child.
2. Know the law
Whether you're planning to adopt a cat or a dog, the first step is to make sure the breeder or animal shelter is licensed and legitimate.In both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, animal boarding and selling facilities must have an up-to-date kennel license.
In Pennsylvania, state law also prohibits selling, trading, transferring or bartering a dog that is under the age of 8 weeks.