Christopher Nolan’s new sci-fi thriller "Tenet," starring John David Washington, Robert Pattinson and Elizabeth Debicki, will be screened at the Philadelphia Film Society's drive-in movie theater at the Navy Yard.
You can see the 2020 movie on the big screen Wednesday, Sept. 9, and Thursday, Sept. 10.
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Tickets are currently on sale online. The price is $12, or $8 if you're a PFS member.
If you haven't been following the hype surrounding the time travel time inversion movie, you'll definitely want to check out the trailer below.
And if you've been trying to avoid spoilers, I won't mention anything the critics have been saying, other than those who've watched "Tenet" generally find it both confusing and exciting.
The film opened internationally last week and is now available at open U.S. movie theaters. It's the first big-budget film to be released since the coronavirus pandemic shuttered theaters in March.
If you're not comfortable going to an indoor theater but really want to see this new movie, like now, then snagging a ticket to the drive-in may be the way to go.
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