TEDxPenn 2019 will take place Saturday, March 16, at the William B. Irvine Auditorium.
Ten speakers will discuss a range of topics, including the tendencies of people in power to fabricate events and what cringing reveals about our personalities.
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The group of speakers includes a theoretical physicist, a stone sculptor, a senior editor at New York Magazine and more.
TEDxPenn is open to the public, not just students. General admission tickets are $29.
This year's event is expected to draw close to 1,000 attendees. It starts at 1 p.m.
TEDxPenn 2019
Saturday, March 16
1-5 p.m. | $8-$59 per person
William B. Irvine Auditorium
3401 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19104
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