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Men's Health

Men's Health

Older men can help reduce childhood obesity by serving as role models

Obesity Role Models

Men's Health

The importance of strong friendships only grows as men age

Marc Kelman Wyck Furcron

Men's Health

John Fetterman's decision to seek help for depression should be a tipping point for other men to do likewise

Fetterman Depression Stigmas

Men's Health

Brain supplements are big business, but there are more proven ways to preserve one's memory

Nootropics Brain Supplements

Men's Health

Want to live longer? Eating a plant-heavy diet is a proven method

Healthy Eating Life Expectancy

Men's Health

Here's how men can support their partners during menopause

Menopause Relationships

Men's Health

American men have the tools to improve their overall health in the new year, despite a poor showing in 2022

Men's Health 2023

Men's Health

U.S. veterans have a higher prostate cancer rate, but a new law aims to improve access to care

U.S. Capitol Veterans Prostate Cancer

Men's Health

Lifestyle medicine is gaining attention as an essential pathway to good health

Lifestyle Medicine

Men's Health

Many men are open to new birth control options, but progress on male contraceptives has been slow

Male contraceptive research

Men's Health

Holiday gatherings place the inspiration for healthy living – family and friends – right in front of people

Holidays Healthy Living

Men's Health

The growth of remote jobs offers workers opportunities to adopt healthy lifestyles

Remote Work Healthy

Men's Health

Motivation often can be found in life's small moments – like a casual dinner with grown children

Father Son Bonding

Men's Health

Football stars like Lane Johnson provide men a playbook to confront their mental health challenges

Men's Health

Male birth control options are in development, but a number of barriers still stand in the way

Male birth control

Men's Health

A proper diet and exercise are essential to good health, but here are 25 other beneficial actions

Healthy Lifestyle Couple

Adult Health

Sexual struggles after cancer treatment are common, but help is available

Cancer Sex Life

Men's Health

Need some motivation to start a healthy lifestyle? Here are 25 benefits

092322 Healthy Lifestyle Motivation Bicycling.jpg

Men's Health

With the U.S. life expectancy gap among genders growing, it's time for men to take action

Life Expectancy Men

Men's Health

Spending time with grandchildren can help older adults find a sense of purpose

Grandparents Health Benefits

Men's Health

The pathway to a healthy lifestyle is clear, but more men need to find the motivation to follow it

U.S. Men Health

Men's Health

Biological differences may help explain why men have higher cancer rates

Cancer Men Vs. Women

Men's Health

Post-traumatic growth proves people often adopt healthy lifestyles despite adversity

Post Traumatic Growth

Men's Health

The fall of Roe vs. Wade has increased interest in vasectomies – but myths are spreading online

Men's Health

Summer makes a great time to revisit your resolutions to live healthier

Summer Beach Exercise

Men's Health

New fathers can get postpartum depression, but their risk factors and symptoms often differ from mothers

Male postpartum depression

Men's Health

Fatherhood offers many health benefits and can serve as motivation to adopt new habits

Fatherhood health benefits

Men's Health

Snacking can become a healthy habit with a little planning

Healthy Snacks Nuts

Men's Health

Strong father-son bonds can create rituals that get passed down for generations

NFL Draft Las Vegas fans

Men's Health

Can an optimistic attitude help you live longer? It certainly can't hurt

Aging Optimism

Men's Health

Prostate cancer linked to bacteria, raising hope of new test and treatment

prostate cancer bacteria

Men's Health

Dietary needs change with age; Here are some rules to simplify eating healthy

Healthy diet

Men's Health

Men often hesitate to visit a doctor, but there are effective ways to persuade them

Men's Health Doctor Visit

Men's Health

Friendships boost well-being, but they're difficult to make as people age

Duke Barnett Louis Bezich

Men's Health

Visiting the doctor is a manly habit despite what many men believe

Doctor's Visit

Men's Health

Caught a case of the winter blues? Exercise and eating healthy may help

Winter Blues Exercise

Men's Health

Intergenerational friendships can help older adults stay energized

Intergenerational friendships

Men's Health

A healthy lifestyle provides many benefits – like a boosted immune system

Healthy Lifestyles Immune System

Mental Health

Long-term anxiety may put people at higher risk of heart disease

Anxiety Worry Health

Men's Health

Health screenings can be life-saving tools, but many men foolishly avoid them

Prostate Cancer Screening

Men's Health

Breakups can cause inflammation in men, increasing risk of adverse health issues

breakups mens health

Mental Health

Severe depression changes the brains of women and men differently, study finds

Depression brain women

Health Videos