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Blood Clots


Blood clots are common and can be deadly, but many Americans don't know enough about the risks


Women's Health

Taking aspirin while on birth control pills may increase the risk of blood clots, study finds

Birth Control NSAID Blood Clot

Adult Health

Ashton Kutcher's battle with vasculitis shines light on the rare, debilitating condition

Health Stories

John Fetterman's stroke shows the importance of a quick response

Health News

CDC advisors to consider limits on Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine

Senior Health

Life-saving stroke treatment may not be as time-sensitive as previously thought

Stroke treatment thrombectomy

Health Stories

Pa. woman among those to develop blood clots after receiving Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine


Blood type may make some people less vulnerable to COVID-19, growing evidence suggests

Blood type COVID-19


Blood clots appear to be another dangerous complication of COVID-19

Blood clot complications with COVID-19

Women's Health

Experts offer tips to help pregnant women traveling by air reduce risk of blood clots

Tips for Pregnant Women Flying

Healthy Eating

Vitamin K may be unheralded but it plays an important role

Vitamin K broccoli

Men's Health

Here's what you need to know about the 'massive stroke' that took Luke Perry's life

what is stroke luke perry usa today


Traveling abroad when pregnant: Part I


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