More than a third of Pennsylvanians don't get enough sleep at night, putting them at higher risk for several health issues, according to a new study from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention.
The study, released Thursday, surveyed thousands of adults across the country, asking if they slept for the recommended time of seven hours each night.
It found that 62.5 percent of Pennsylvania respondents said they got the right amount of sleep, leaving 37.5 percent who said they got less than 7 hours of snoozing a night.
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That's worse than the national average in the study of 65.2 percent. New Jersey and Delaware also had fewer people getting enough sleep than the national average, with 62.8 and 62.4 percent, respectively.
The most sleep-deprived state was Hawaii with only 56.1 percent of respondents reporting they get the proper amount of sleep. South Dakota was the most well rested of the bunch with 71.6 percent reporting they get at least seven hours each night.
According to the CDC, not getting enough sleep is associated with increased risk for the following conditions: obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, frequent mental distress, and all-cause mortality.
The authors note that this study is limited by self reporting and the lack of institutionalized respondents, who may be less likely to get enough sleep due to chronic physical or mental conditions.
That being said, the CDC hopes this study promotes public awareness about getting a healthy amount of sleep.
In order to make that happen, the authors suggest a number of tips, including: going to bed at the same time each night; turning off electronic devices or removing them from the bedroom; sleeping in a quiet, dark and comfortable environment; avoiding large meals and avoiding nicotine or caffeine before bed.