"Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" managed to one-up both "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part II" and "Avengers: Age of Ultron" as the most anticipated film of 2015, according to a survey of 1,000 fans conducted during the last week of December by Fandango. The all-new "Star Wars" film, and first since Disney took over the franchise, has been building buzz since debuting its trailer in theaters in December (fun fact: Philly's Regal Warrington 22 was one of those theaters); to date, the trailer has raked in nearly 53,000,000 page views.
No. 2 on the list was "Avengers: Age of Ultron," which will launch the summer blockbuster season on May 1. Following that was -- no surprise -- the final part of "The Hunger Games," with "Fifty Shades of Grey" and "Jurassic World" pulling up the rear. (Nowhere on the list was the new "Bond" flick.)
Highlights of the rest of the survey include Jamie Dornan ("Fifty Shades of Grey") as the expected male breakout star of 2015 and Daisy Ridley as the expected breakout female actress of 2015. "Minions," meanwhile, is the most anticipated animated film of 2015 -- a year that currently looks starved of another "Frozen" moment. (Look at all those remakes and sequels!) Also worth mentioning is Tom Cruise's surprising ability to land anywhere on the list (No. 5 in the "Favorite Actors" category) and the omission of Adam Driver ("Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" ... and HBO's "Girls").
See the rest of the survey results below:
Fan Favorite Actress in 2015 Movies
Jennifer Lawrence ("The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part II")
Scarlet Johannson ("The Avengers: Age of Ultron")
Angelina Jolie ("By the Sea")
Melissa McCarthy ("Spy")
Halle Berry ("Kidnap")
Fan Favorite Actor in 2015 Movies
Robert Downey Jr. ("Avengers: Age of Ultron")
Chris Hemsworth ("Avengers: Age of Ultron," "Black Hat," "In the Heart of the Sea"
Daniel Craig ("Spectre")
Chris Pratt ("Jurassic World")
Tom Cruise ("Mission Impossible 5")
Biggest Male Breakout Movie Star 2015
Jamie Dornan ("Fifty Shades of Grey")
John Boyega ("Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens")
Levi Miller ("Pan")
Neel Sethi ("The Jungle Book")
Tony Jaa ("Furious 7")
Biggest Female Breakout Movie Star 2015
Daisy Ridley ("Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens")
Lily James ("Cinderella," "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies")
Dakota Johnson ("Fifty Shades of Grey," "A Bigger Splash")
Kate Mara ("The Fantastic Four," "The Martian")
Sofia Boutella ("Kingsman: The Secret Service")
Most Anticipated Family Film of 2015
"Pixar's Inside Out"