Katie Gagnon

Katie Gagnon

Katie Gagnon is a public relations consultant and freelance writer from South Jersey. She founded Kathleen English Communications, LLC in 2009 in Philadelphia. A frequent flier and avid traveler, her favorite place in the world is the beach in Longport, NJ. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and son.

September 20, 2016

Women's Health

The waiting game: Frustration and anticipation when baby does not arrive on the due date

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, only about one in every 20 pregnant women will give birth on their due date.

September 13, 2016

Women's Health

Last-minute decisions before the baby arrives: Cord blood banking, SIDS monitors and circumcision

I imagine that many first-time expectant mothers think they have it all figured out as their due date approaches and then, in the last few weeks, a ton of questions pop up.

September 6, 2016

Women's Health

Five things I wish I knew before my pregnancy

From the serious to the silly, here is my list of the five things I wish I knew before my pregnancy.

August 30, 2016

Women's Health

Exercise and pregnancy: Overcoming fatigue and satisfying the desire to stay active

With less than three weeks until her due date, Katie's mantra is to keep motivated and active for the benefit of her baby's health, labor and delivery.

August 23, 2016

Women's Health

Writing your own birth plan: laissez-faire or overprepared?

I have been attempting to learn as much as possible so I am as prepared as possible for this new unknown of becoming a mother and caring for my baby boy.

August 16, 2016

Women's Health

Delivery room drama: party or private?

Like so many choices an expecting mother needs to make in the 40 weeks leading up to delivery, who to have with you on the big day is a personal decision.

August 9, 2016

Women's Health

Pregnancy and iron deficiency

When I had the glucose tolerance test in my third trimester, I worried about being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I did not have any real cause for concern; I simply wanted to know that my baby and I were healthy and all was continuing to go well with my pregnancy. I was lucky to learn that my blood sugar levels were fine, but the test revealed something I was not anticipating: My obstetrician told me that I have an iron deficiency.

August 2, 2016

Women's Health

#BumpDay: Raising awareness about the need for worldwide maternal health care

To think that mothers here in the U.S. and around the world have fatal results due to inadequate access to health care during their pregnancies, deliveries and postpartum is heartbreaking and tragic.

July 25, 2016


An expecting mother and the Zika virus

When I found out that I was pregnant, one of the first questions I asked my obstetrician was how concerned I should be about the Zika virus. Because there has been a lot of media coverage about the virus, mainly focusing on expecting mothers and birth defects in their children, I imagined spending the spring and summer indoors, venturing outside in a giant mosquito net to scour my yard looking for standing water to remedy.

July 19, 2016


Traveling abroad when pregnant: Part II

When my parents surprised us last Christmas morning with the news that they were taking the family to Ireland, I burst into tears because I was so elated. My Mom has talked about visiting the country of her ancestors for so long that it felt like a dream come true to go the Emerald Isle with my husband, parents and siblings.

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