Social media reactions to Christine Blasey Ford's testimony before Senate Judiciary Committee

Ford was questioned on allegations that Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her

Christine Blasey Ford testified in front of The Senate Judiciary Committee starting at 10 a.m. on Thursday. Before the hearing wrapped up around 2 p.m. she had delivered an emotional opening statement and fielded questions from Rachel Mitchell – an attorney hired by the Republicans and a special-victims prosecutor in Arizona – and the committee senators. 

Brett Kavanaugh was testifying before the committee at the time this article was published. You can stream it below.

WATCH: Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing before Senate Judiciary Committee

The hearing dominated social media and TV on Thursday afternoon with commentary, reactions, support and pushback. 

Here's how people watched the hearing from every part of the U.S. and how some reacted.

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