September 27, 2018
Christine Blasey Ford testified in front of The Senate Judiciary Committee starting at 10 a.m. on Thursday. Before the hearing wrapped up around 2 p.m. she had delivered an emotional opening statement and fielded questions from Rachel Mitchell – an attorney hired by the Republicans and a special-victims prosecutor in Arizona – and the committee senators.
Brett Kavanaugh was testifying before the committee at the time this article was published. You can stream it below.
The hearing dominated social media and TV on Thursday afternoon with commentary, reactions, support and pushback.
Here's how people watched the hearing from every part of the U.S. and how some reacted.
Survivors and protesters gathered outside of @SenSchumer's office in New York City today to share their stories and show their support for Christine Blasey Ford #KavanaughHearings pic.twitter.com/3BJb5r49h8
— TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) September 27, 2018
All of the TV’s on AF1 tuned to the Fox News coverage of the hearing on flight back to DC from NYC. pic.twitter.com/Uvk0YPgVtD
— Nancy Cook (@nancook) September 27, 2018
If these male Senators need a woman to do their jobs, shouldn't we make it official and replace them with women? #KavanaughHearings pic.twitter.com/25UnJ8apNX
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) September 27, 2018
Couple listening to the #KavanaughHearings on the uptown 1 train @wnyc pic.twitter.com/yNiBtGr5zO
— Amanda Aronczyk (@aronczyk) September 27, 2018
After four hours, we don't know much more about the allegations because Republicans were set in undermining Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's credibility while Democrats were just cheering her on. Neither group was truly interested in fact-finding. #KavanaughHearings
— Andrea González-Ramírez (@andreagonram) September 27, 2018
To every woman watching the #KavanaughHearings: We are the majority of America’s voting population, yet 11 men sit in judgment of #ChristineBlaseyFord. We must vote as many women into office as possible in November. We don’t have seats at the table, so we’re clearly on the menu. pic.twitter.com/r25Tuck4xj
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) September 27, 2018
“I feel ambushed as the majority,” Sen. Lindsey Graham says of Dr. Ford’s testimony. “A nice lady who has come forward to tell a hard story that’s uncorroborated, and this is enough. God help anybody else that gets nominated” #KavanaughHearings #tictocnews pic.twitter.com/7zAyAoJQxK
— TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) September 27, 2018
Multitasking today, listening to Ford’s testimony while reading a NY Times article on Congress #APGoPo #KavanaughHearings pic.twitter.com/Xq3OdyDKR8
— Ms. Russell (@WHSRussell) September 27, 2018
I believed Professor Anita Hill in 1991. I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford today. #KavanaughHearings
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) September 27, 2018
There should be a statue of this moment and it should be made into a monument in Washington.#KavanaughHearings pic.twitter.com/wbSgQCmYvo
— Sean Kent (@seankent) September 27, 2018
Sitting in at Grassley’s office listening to Dr. Ford’s testimony. pic.twitter.com/7ZMfpezssl
— Susan Frederick-Gray (@sfrederickgray) September 27, 2018
In @VincentIntondi U.S. History since 1945 listening to Dr. Ford’s testimony. pic.twitter.com/ASNRNJpiKS
— Student Senate TP/SS (@stusenatetpss) September 27, 2018
Thank you to everyone who is here.
— CPD Action (@CPDAction) September 27, 2018
We’re packing @OrrinHatch office and standing quietly listening to Dr. Blasey Ford.
We are with you Dr. Ford. #WeBelieveChristine#cancelkavanaugh #survivorstrong #StopKavanaugh pic.twitter.com/35VEM1UN2o
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