March 05, 2015
Hot yoga is so last season. The latest fitness trend: snow yoga, aka snowga - really.
According to a recent New York Times article, snowga is actually a thing.
“People who are passionate about practicing yoga want to do it everywhere — they’ll tell you yoga goes with everything,” - Carin Gorrell, editor-in-chief of Yoga Journal.
Writer Courtney Rubin, who reported on the winter workout trend, explained that snowga often begins with a warmup (thankfully) and is usually incorporated with other snow sports, such as snowshoeing or skiing.
As an example, she writes, in Bozeman, Montana, a company called FLOW Outside holds a twice-weekly class in which participants snowshoe to their destination as a warmup, do about a half-hour of yoga and then snowshoe home.
Similarly, Stowe Mountain Lodge in Vermont and Finger Lakes Yoga Escapes in Canandaigua, New York, both hold snowga classes. Stowe Mountain Lodge offers it combined with skiing as well.