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August 21, 2017

Looking for a high ABV beer? Stop by the High Gravity Beer Bonanza

5 percent just isn't gonna cut it

Sidecar Courtesy of PUNCH MEDIA/PhillyVoice

Inside Sidecar Bar & Grille, a Graduate Hospital staple for more than 10 years.

You might want to take Thursday off, or at least plan on stopping for a big cup of coffee before work, because on Wednesday, Aug. 23, The Sidecar Bar & Grille in Graduate Hospital is hosting a High Gravity Beer Bonanza.

That means all the featured beers are going to be strong, with a high ABV.

Heavy-hitters include Avery Tangerine Quad, Avery Hog Heaven, Bells Expedition, Captain Lawrence Golden Delicious, De Dolle Oerbier, Jacks Abbey Barrel Aged Framinghammer, Lagunitas Dark Swan, Pizza Boy Palate Mallet, Port Brewing Anniversary Ale and Russian River Temptation.

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The Beer Bonanza starts at 4 p.m. and doesn't end until 1:30 a.m. Happy hour will still take place from 4-6 p.m., too, for attendees who want half-price appetizers, house cocktails and draft beers.

Wednesday’s event will be the first in a quarterly series celebrating high-ABV beers at Sidecar.

High Gravity Beer Bonanza

Wednesday, Aug. 23
4 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. | Pay-as-you-go
The Sidecar Bar & Grille
2201 Christian St.
