Two people were struck and killed by SEPTA trains in two different incidents on Tuesday evening. One person, who was hit by a light-rail car on the Norristown High Speed Line and the other was hit by a train on the Media-Elwyn Regional Rail line.
The incident occurred several miles apart at similar times – around 7:30 Tuesday evening. The fatality involving the Norristown High Speed Line train occurred near the Roberts Road Station in Lower Merion, SEPTA said via Twitter.
CBS3 reported the victim is a woman, although no further information has been provided.
SEPTA police are investigating the incident, and by early Wednesday morning, normal train service on the line had resumed.
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The other fatality occurred along the Media/Elwyn Regional Rail line near the Angora Station in Southwest Philadelphia, SEPTA said. The victim is reported to be a man, though no other details have been release. Police are investigating that incident, as well.
The Media-Elwin trains had resumed regular schedules by Wednesday morning.
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