April 07, 2015
Formerly homeless, Kristin Burk, 35, sits in her New Jersey apartment with her 4-month-old baby daughter Hope Rushworth and her 15-year-old daughter Annastasia Graziano. Because of the backgrounds of Burk and her husband, the children live in foster care.
Rowan University media students will share personal stories and interviews with local individuals impacted by Habitat for Humanity in a five-hour charity telethon to be broadcast on April 15.
The public will be able to view the program both on Rowan's campus Channel 5 and online at www.rtntelethon.com from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. During that time, donations will be accepted by phone at (856) 256-5555 and online to benefit the Gloucester County Habitat for Humanity.
In addition to the stories and interviews, the telethon will include live musical performances from local artists and short documentaries produced by the school’s journalism and film students.
This is the eighth year Rowan Television Network is hosting the telethon, which, in past years, has raised nearly $20,000 for local charity organizations.
For more information on this year's event, visit Rowan Television Network’s Telethon website, www.rtntelethon.com.