Meet your fitness goals in 2019 by starting the year off with the Resolution Run

Visualize a healthier, fitter you in the new year

running in winter
Stick to your running routine this winter.
Thom Carroll/PhillyVoice

Could 2019 be the year you run your first Philadelphia Marathon, Broad Street Run or 5K?

If your resolution is to meet your fitness goals in the new year, then start off on the right foot – by running in the free, 3-mile Resolution Run on New Year's Day.

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The fun run takes off from the Philadelphia Runner store in Center City at 10 a.m.

Post-run through the city, participants can mingle at the shop, where there will be light refreshments and raffles.

There will be a resolution wall at Philadelphia Runner, too. Before heading out, make sure to put your resolution – however big or small – on the wall. By writing it down and visualizing your success, you have a better chance of sticking to it through 2019.

Resolution Run

Tuesday, Jan. 1
10 a.m. | Free
Philadelphia Runner
1601 Sansom St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

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