November 29, 2017
The parents of several students at Cheltenham High School are reportedly demanding answers from administrators after a video allegedly showed two students engaged in a sex act inside a classroom.
First circulated last week, FOX29 reports the video was brought to the attention of a man who said his daughter, a middle school student, returned home asking not to be sent to Cheltenham High School next year.
The student's mother told FOX29 her daughter received a video taken in a neighboring classroom that showed a student on her knees performing oral sex.
Several parents who were alerted to the video reportedly approached school administration for an explanation, but did not immediately receive responses, one parent said.
A spokesperson for the school district told FOX29 the matter has been turned over to local police.
"We have not obtained or seen the video," the spokesperson said.
Cheltenham police would confirm only that the issue is under investigation.