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June 10, 2019

Radio 104.5 block party free tickets may be gone but you can still get in

concert crowd Photo by Chad Kirchoff/from Pexels

There's lots going on in Philly this weekend, including Hair 'O the Dog with T-Pain.

Radio 104.5's popular summer block parties is kicking off Sunday, June 23, with performances by Catfish and the Bottlemen, Flora Cash, Oliver Tree and Matt Maeson, but if you were hoping to go for free you may be out of luck. 

Free admission tickets are currently sold out for the concert at Xfinity Live, but but new tickets are apparently going to be available this Friday at 10 a.m. sharp according to the station's website.

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Meanwhile, tickets for the upgraded experience with reserved viewing area for the concert, drinks, food buffet and the all important private bathrooms are still available at $55 a ticket plus tax and fees.

You have to be 21 and over for the upgrade ticket, but general admission is all ages. The next summer block party is scheduled for Sunday, July 21. These parties are outdoors and rain or shine events. 

Radio 104.5 Block Party

Sunday, June 23
5 to 9 p.m. | Free for general admission; $55 for VIP tickets
Xfinity Live!
1100 Pattison Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19148
